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Whitman Wire
Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
February 15
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All content by Josh Goodman
Whitman falls in Forbes top colleges rankings
Josh Goodman
August 3, 2012
Sweet Onion Restaurant Week comes to Walla Walla
Josh Goodman
July 11, 2012
President Bridges denies Galindo’s appeal for tenure
Josh Goodman
June 17, 2012
We’re here for the summer!
Josh Goodman
May 22, 2012
Personnel committee denies Alberto’s appeal for tenure
Josh Goodman
May 16, 2012
In the closet: Some students mask LGBTQ identities at Whitman
Josh Goodman
May 3, 2012
Student hit by car while crossing Isaacs
Josh Goodman
April 17, 2012
Admitted Students’ Day offers slice of Whitman experience
Josh Goodman
April 15, 2012
Behroozian elected ASWC president, other executive council winners announced
Josh Goodman
April 9, 2012
Pio picks: undergraduate conference
Josh Goodman
April 8, 2012
Adam West gets Hollywood star
Josh Goodman
April 5, 2012
Rejected from Whitman College
Josh Goodman
March 31, 2012
Jew-It Hall, Out House among ResLife housing changes
Josh Goodman
March 31, 2012
College gets high with new Whitman airline
Josh Goodman
March 31, 2012
Photos: Outhouse celebrates Earth Month with cake
Josh Goodman
March 30, 2012
Whitman admits fewer for Class of 2016
Josh Goodman
March 26, 2012
Whitties react to the Washington legislature passing same sex marriage
Josh Goodman
February 9, 2012
Exciting additions to the Pio’s website
Josh Goodman
January 31, 2012
Whitman community gathers to remember George Ball
Josh Goodman
January 28, 2012
Faculty votes to split RMS into 2 departments
Josh Goodman
January 26, 2012
Students with Asperger’s face challenges
Josh Goodman
October 20, 2011
Report shows decrease in crime on campus
Josh Goodman
October 6, 2011
Whitties abuzz over ‘unpretentious’ t-shirts
Josh Goodman
September 8, 2011
Whitman web site to get facelift
Josh Goodman
May 16, 2011
Discussion lacking in naming reincarnated yearbook “Waiilatpu”
Josh Goodman
May 5, 2011
‘Unpretentious’ label draws student criticism
Josh Goodman
April 14, 2011
Faculty votes to allow student representation on curriculum committee
Josh Goodman
April 14, 2011
Whitties fold cranes for Japan; trip to Japan canceled
Josh Goodman
April 7, 2011
ASWC Executive Council Elections
Josh Goodman
April 7, 2011
Administration to provide viewing stations for Beer Mile
Josh Goodman
March 31, 2011
New dot system proposed
Josh Goodman
March 31, 2011
Whitman rental house catches fire, no one injured
Josh Goodman
February 26, 2011
Whitman’s Missing Students policy put to test
Josh Goodman
February 17, 2011
Students to mark anniversary of O’Brien’s death
Josh Goodman
February 10, 2011
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal could mean return of military recruiters to campus
Josh Goodman
January 27, 2011
Students, administrators feel mixed about waitlist process
Josh Goodman
December 9, 2010
Crime report shows increase in burglaries, drug referrals; decrease in sex offenses
Josh Goodman
October 7, 2010
Administration aims to reduce course compression, may revamp schedule
Josh Goodman
September 16, 2010
Administration prepares for commencement
Josh Goodman
May 18, 2010
Student survey shows frustration with 3-2, pre-registration
Josh Goodman
May 5, 2010
ASWC senate votes to allow students abroad to vote in elections
Josh Goodman
May 4, 2010
BFFC adjusts Saturday hours in response to feedback, seasonal changes
Josh Goodman
April 29, 2010
Juniors abroad surprised about ineligibility to vote
Josh Goodman
April 15, 2010
Admissions up, applicants down for the Class of 2014
Josh Goodman
April 8, 2010
Five percent tuition, fee increase brings Whitman to $50,000 price-point
Josh Goodman
April 1, 2010
Pio Picks: Undergraduate Conference
Josh Goodman
April 1, 2010
Politics professor Mary Hanna passes away
Josh Goodman
March 4, 2010
Gang members arrested in connection with off-campus burglaries
Josh Goodman
February 25, 2010
Students grieve, come together to remember Richard O’Brien
Josh Goodman
February 18, 2010
Campus resources for grieving students
Josh Goodman
February 18, 2010
Whitman student killed in skiing accident
Josh Goodman
February 13, 2010
Bon Appétit aims to reduce waste
Josh Goodman
February 4, 2010
Students organize to help Haiti
Josh Goodman
January 26, 2010
Bon Appétit apologizes for misleading menu prices
Josh Goodman
December 8, 2009
Jacobs, Radosevic and Allen continue recovery from Nov. 6 crash
Josh Goodman
December 2, 2009
Horizon Air shrinks Walla Walla schedule to two flights
Josh Goodman
November 18, 2009
Crash brings out best in Whitman community
Josh Goodman
November 11, 2009
Bridges updates students on crash victims’ status
Josh Goodman
November 9, 2009
Global Awareness House organizes support for Friday’s crash victims
Josh Goodman
November 8, 2009
Jacobs in serious condition, Radosevic upgraded to fair condition
Josh Goodman
November 6, 2009
A sit-down with WCLU co-president Kelli Kuhlman: voting in an off-year election
Josh Goodman
October 28, 2009
Whitman GLBTQ, Coalition Against Homophobia hold own Coming Out Day celebration
Josh Goodman
October 21, 2009
Parents fuel Walla Walla economy during Family Weekend
Josh Goodman
October 21, 2009
New group hopes to bring energy-efficient CFLs to low-income households
Josh Goodman
October 14, 2009
Translated webpages link Whitman to Shantou University
Josh Goodman
October 5, 2009
Bratton dedication marks Whitman’s renewable energy efforts
Josh Goodman
October 4, 2009
ASWC elections: first-years choose senators, seniors win the right to vote
Josh Goodman
September 21, 2009
First-year senator candidate bios
Josh Goodman
September 16, 2009
Whitties go to the polls for first-year senate, amendment on senior voting
Josh Goodman
September 16, 2009
Whitman’s Princeton Review rankings fall, but are still high
Josh Goodman
September 15, 2009
Ramadan at Whitman: a lonely fast
Josh Goodman
September 14, 2009
Administration preps for fall swine flu risks
Josh Goodman
September 3, 2009
Class of 2013 ‘most diverse’
Josh Goodman
September 3, 2009
All about the Class of 2013
Josh Goodman
September 3, 2009
Upcoming campus events
Josh Goodman
September 3, 2009
Whitman’s reputation grows and changes with class of 2009
Josh Goodman
May 18, 2009
Board of Trustees expected to pass Maxey Hall renovations
Josh Goodman
May 7, 2009
Swine flu hits Washington
Josh Goodman
April 30, 2009
College catalog moves online, saves resources
Josh Goodman
April 30, 2009
Whitman students feel pressure to live up to ranking
Josh Goodman
April 30, 2009
Admitted Students get a taste of Whitman life
Josh Goodman
April 23, 2009
Record waitlist leaves applicants in flux
Josh Goodman
April 16, 2009
Class of 2013 the first to switch to Gmail
Josh Goodman
April 9, 2009
Printing forum fails to get student involvement
Josh Goodman
March 12, 2009
Away from home: Coping on campus
Josh Goodman
February 26, 2009
Financial aid office prepares for increased need
Josh Goodman
February 19, 2009
Coffeehouse seeks new co-manager
Josh Goodman
February 12, 2009
Students ‘Bowl’-ed over for commercials
Josh Goodman
February 5, 2009
Pay to print: new quota
Josh Goodman
February 5, 2009
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