As students congregate in study groups around the library to try and study for exams or work on projects, a group of staff is working behind the scenes making the space...

Hair is one of the many mediums that Whitman students express themselves through — whether you cut it yourself, ask a friend or go to a salon, there are many options...
In an era governed by the convenience of technology and short-term dopamine rushes from TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, committing to activities that require prolonged attention has become increasingly...

There’s no question that the arts and humanities are in a crisis. Every year since 2012, the number of students earning undergraduate degrees in the humanities has decreased. While national trends...
At the heart of liberal arts education, debates over the boundaries of free speech and the necessity of safe spaces frequently erupt like a volcano, but with far less predictability and far more potential...
Whitman Blues48George Fox45Mar 1 / Women's Basketball
Lucy Walker, Campus Life Reporter | March 6, 2025
Poppy Lasher, News Reporter | March 6, 2025
- Science & Environment
Leah Chang, Science and Environment Writer | March 6, 2025
AJ Johnson, too busy complaining about her editor to write a byline | March 6, 2025
Ben Sherry, Looking for the Gnome that Stole my Third Sock | March 6, 2025
Pendhay Singay Yeshay, Campus Life Reporter | March 6, 2025

It’s in your face, it’s powerful and, most importantly, it comes in affordable, portable containers — with so many colors it makes...

“Women in STEM” is a phrase you will frequently hear on a college campus, spoken genuinely at times and at other times, as sarcastic...

I’ve been working at The Whitman Wire for a semester and a half, and for the most part, I’ve been treated well. My deadlines aren’t...

The Walla Walla Ecological Survey has received reports of an unexpected incline of Gnome sightings within the city. How this happened has...
I’m two and a half years into my college career, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that what terrifies Whitman students the...

I love our athletes, who wouldn’t? They’re not only physical specimens but they are also more intelligent and caring than the rest of...
Student concerns about event safety at Whitman have escalated amid two unrecorded but publicized gun-related incidents and a third recorded incident of “aiming or discharging...

This February, Whitman promoted a variety of Black History Month events for faculty and staff. These events included presentations of Black history and African colonial...

Whitman Women’s Basketball (No. 1 seed) triumphed over George Fox University (No. 2 seed) in the Northwest Conference (NWC) Tournament Championship on March 1, clearing...

Whitman’s Women’s Basketball (No. 1 seed) beat Linfield in their first game of the Northwest Conference Tournament, continuing their fight to win the Championship and...
A series of proposed budget cuts totaling over 1.7 million dollars has led to outcries among students and faculty. The cuts, proposed by two working groups of division chairs,...
Power and Privilege, Whitman College’s annual symposium confronting issues of structural oppression, was held on Feb. 20 with over 868 students, faculty and staff in attendance....