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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Testing positive: An imperfect return to dorm life

Kasey Moulton, Podcast Editor May 5, 2022

Since the start of the 2021-2022 school year, Whitman’s COVID-19 protocols have made it clear that “on-campus housing is available to students regardless of whether their regular residence is on-campus...

Illustration by Madeleine Stolp.

Inside Marcus House: Tales from isolation

Anabelle Dillard and Rosa Woolsey, News Reporter and Editor February 17, 2022

Marcus House has been repurposed as Whitman’s latest isolation space. Students who test positive for COVID-19 must enter isolation in the old residence hall. The duration of the isolation period...

Illustration by Eli Rodriguez.

Whitties start betting on which hall will be quarantined next

Conor Bartol, Oatmeal Enthusiast February 25, 2021

Following last week’s quarantine of Anderson Hall, some enterprising Whitman students have attempted to turn a profit by creating an underground gambling ring based on residence hall lockdowns. The...

Illustration by Kiara Paninos.

Possible COVID exposure more enticing than continued cohabitation with parents

Lee Thomas, COVID-apologist February 18, 2021

Back when we were reasonably fearful of Corona, freshman and sophomores alike rushed home, attempting to flee the dreaded illness. Now, these same students have flocked back to Whitman — and back to...

Life hack: Webkinz is free and nothing is stopping you from signing up right now

Ann Karneus, ringlord May 15, 2020

Quarantine undisputedly sucks, but fortunately there is a silver lining. With all the free time it has afforded me – as well as the encouragement I’ve received to revert back to an unhealthy, childlike...

Live from Walla Walla, Washington

Maddie Ott, President of TKE May 7, 2020

Now, as I understand, there are approximately 400 students left on Whitman campus, which means that around 800 to 900 students have left. In this article, I plan to appeal to the masses and sort out what...

Running out of quarantine activities? Try rethinking every decision you’ve made!

Running out of quarantine activities? Try rethinking every decision you’ve made!

AE, Staff Crier April 18, 2020

After many days of binge-watching shows, baking bread, attending Zoom happy hours, fighting with your mom and staring at the sky wondering if there is a god, you are probably feeling like you need some...

Childhood nostalgia in quarantine

Sydney Bellon, Columnist April 15, 2020

I think we can all agree that these are unusual and alarming times; it feels like time has stopped moving, all at once. As all of us are making new arrangements, deciding whether we are going home or staying...

Illustration by Lanh Tran

Sweatier weather: Jewett plague gets moist

Madeline Kemp, Rodeo Clown October 21, 2019

There has been a lot of buzz around Jewett lately, and The Wire can tell you why. With fall upon us, naturally, it's cold and flu season. Many of us students are all too familiar with the annual Jewett...

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