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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

In The News

April 1, 2016

THIS JUST IN: Parents just really think you should major in BBMB “Honey, your cousin Tim majored in Biology at the U, and he’s in med school now! And remember, there’ll always be sick people in...

Whitman Welcomes the Awesomely Cool Class of 2020!

Austin Biehl, staff writer April 1, 2016

In the class of 2020, Whitman has once again attracted a homogenous group of down-to-earth, unpretentious, fun-loving, granola-chewing, Birkenstock-wearing, apathetic, White kids. Throughout high school,...

Off Campus Studies Office Announces Mandatory Study Abroad

Olivia Gilbert April 1, 2016

In an effort to create leaders capable of operating in our increasingly interconnected world, the Off-Campus Studies Department announced this past Friday in a formal email a new graduation requirement....

KWCW Show of the Week: Dance with the Devil

Eric Anderson, Staff Writer April 1, 2016

He may delight in suffering and despair, but even Satan, Lord of Darkness, can sometimes feel weighed down by the pressure of his job. When that happens, the Father of Lies says there is no better relaxation...

Club Disbands After Members Exhaust Dating Options

Martina Pansze April 1, 2016
Following a press release on Tuesday, the Whitman Alpine Luge Team (WALT) will be disbanding indefinitely.

Horoscope Time!

Clara Wheeler, staff writer April 1, 2016

Aries           March 21-April 19 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So eat an apple. Keep eating apples. The doctors are coming for you.  Fruit is your only defense. Taurus         April...

ASWC to pass resolution protesting imprisonment

Andy Monserud April 2, 2015

Nearly a week after being deposed by the forces of Divestment in a bloodless coup, ASWC Senate will vote tonight on a resolution condemning the student government-in-exile's imprisonment in Memorial Hall. ASWC...

Jack Issue Letter from the Editors

Aleida Fernandez April 2, 2015

Dear Student Body: We give up. After nine months of listening to protests, staying up way too late on Production Night, responding to angry emails from frat presidents, falling asleep at ASWC senates...

Board Announces Real World Application Classes

Martina Pansze April 2, 2015

The Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees announced Thursday that their largest priority for the Fall 2015 semester is to incorporate more courses that are relevant and applicable to college...

Sweets Facing Unique Allegations

Cole Anderson April 2, 2015

In a recent report from the Ultiworld online website (for those who don't know, which is presumably a lot, this is the college Ultimate Frisbee website), the Whitman Ultimate Frisbee teams have received...

Ponts joins mascot debate

Lachlan Johnson April 2, 2015

President Jorge Ponts has shocked the Whitman community last week by coming out in favor of discarding the college's traditional mascot, the Pioneers" in favor of the Komodo Dragons. Ponts' decision...

A Conversation with the EIC and Publisher

Natalie Berg April 2, 2015

A member of the Missionary staff interviewed Editor-in-Chief Emma Johnson-Lee and Publisher Elena Hernandez about their time at Whitman College and working for the Missionary. Missionary: What's your...

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