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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

All Jazzed Up: Fall Jazz Concert Brightens Chism

Shira Nudler, Campus Life Reporter November 16, 2023

Over the past few weeks, Chism Auditorium has been frequented by students and faculty alike to watch a number of end-of-semester performances. On Nov. 9, around 250 people watched Jazz Ensembles I and...

Illustration by Payton Davies

Boris Berman Dazzles Campus

Holly VanVoorhis, Campus Life Reporter October 19, 2023

Silence. As stage lights glimmer within Chism Recital Hall, Boris Berman enters from stage right and the audience applauds. It’s Friday the 13th and campus is alive with the excitement of a visiting...

Wire Watch Apr. 30-May 6

Wire Watch Apr. 30-May 6

Gillian Mackay-Brown, Managing Editor April 27, 2023

Ongoing   Senior Art Gallery Open during gallery hours, Sheehan Gallery in Olin Hall Our senior art majors have been working tirelessly on their theses all year. This gallery displays the...

Wire Watch Apr. 6-15

Wire Watch Apr. 6-15

Gillian Mackay-Brown, Managing Editor April 6, 2023

Thursday, April 6   First ASWC Debate 6 p.m., Reid Basement Candidates for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Chair, Student Development Chair and Finance Chair will be debating. Snacks...

Wire Watch: Mar. 26-Apr. 1

Wire Watch: Mar. 26-Apr. 1

Gillian Mackay-Brown, Managing Editor March 9, 2023

Trans Week of Empowerment All Week, Reid Campus Center Monday: Educational Tabling, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday: Gayme night, 6 p.m. Wednesday: Zine-making, 10 a.m-1 p.m. Thursday: Destressor...

Wire Watch: Feb. 26-Mar. 4

Wire Watch: Feb. 26-Mar. 4

Gillian Mackay-Brown, Managing Editor February 23, 2023

"Two Cellos" Recital Sunday, February 26, 3 p.m., Chism Recital Hall in the Hall of Music Accompanied by Jan Roberts, sophomore Keziah Eckert and first year Asim Kapoor will be performing works for...

“Phantom of Chism” returns just to tell sophomore to stfu

Carmel Stephan, pivoting to CS November 3, 2022

As some of you may recall, the last time "Phantom of Chism" (the bargain bin version of "Phantom of the Opera") made an appearance in the Hall of Music was last year after the Opera Workshop’s production...

Illustration by Kai Bowen.

Opera student disappears after last week’s performance, note left by phantom of Chism.

Carmel Stephan, at this point just a mop of dry, brittle hair February 17, 2022

Now some of you may not know, but in the rafters of the music building lurks the Phantom of Chism. An ageless man of about 6 and a half feet, he wears a cape of heavy wool and gold lamè lining and smells...

Celebrating the Work and Retirement of Dr. Susan Pickett

Celebrating the Work and Retirement of Dr. Susan Pickett

Michelle Foster, A&E Editor May 10, 2018

As the school year draws to a close, Whitman students and faculty say farewell to Catherine Gould Chism Professor of Music Dr. Susan Pickett, who will be retiring at the end of this semester. Pickett,...

Illustration by Haley King

Whitman’s Percussion Ensemble Revival

Cy Burchenal, Staff Reporter April 26, 2018

The first Whitman Percussion Ensemble concert in 11 years took place on Sunday, April 15 at Chism Recital Hall. There has not been a percussion ensemble on campus for more than a decade, and a renewed...

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