We surprised you, didn’t we. That’s right, it’s Tuesday and we’re doing production. Why, you ask? Because I’m heading to Chicago tomorrow afternoon along with seven other Pio staffers to attend the Fall Associated Collegiate Press Conference. So we’re making the paper tonight, because we love you all so much. Bonus: I don’t even have to go to senior sem, so I can stay here all night and do nothing but update you, our faithful readers, on our progress.
4:30 p.m. I arrive in the office with some help from ASWC Senator/Ombud Fernando Medina-Corey, since I’m carrying two bags of snacks, plus my stuff, a tea kettle and a bowl of cookies.
4:47 p.m. Production Manager Sean McNulty arrives, looking like he’s on death’s door. He informs me that he’s getting sick and should be in bed. I tell him I’ve brought cocoa, but he sensibly rejects my kindness, telling me that he’s trying to keep his fluid intake to water.
4:50 p.m. News PA Stella Bartholet is also sick in the Health Center with the flu. Sean and I brainstorm possible strategies for getting news laid out.
4:55 p.m. I finish sending a pre-trip email to my staff, which reminds them in bold all-caps to bring government-issued photo IDs if they bring nothing else tomorrow. Hopefully Hurricane Sandy won’t complicate my mortal fear of flying.
5:00 p.m. Web Editor Blair Hanley Frank arrives and informs me that the Media page he’s been helping Webmaster Ben Schaefer build is live on the site. It’s so pretty!
5:39 p.m. Adam, Maddison, Callan and I take a break to watch Epic Rap Battles of History: Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama.
5:43 p.m. Me: Abe Lincoln was racist though.
Adam: Yeah, but he was the right kind of racist.
5:46 p.m. Blair walks over and calmly asks me to pull up the Media page. I do, causing him to errupt into loud profanity. I have no idea what’s wrong.
10:20 p.m. (Blair) So, apparently part of the “surprise” in this surprise liveblog is our complete lack of updating the liveblog. We apologize for not being more on top of things.
10:24 p.m. Rachel announces “we have our first PDF, people!” There is anemic cheering.
10:51 p.m. We have five sections PDFed. I’m hoping for an early finish, but I know this may be overly optimistic. I’m also down both Blair and Libby, so this will be the last blog entry. We’ll post more this weekend from the ACP Conference!