Number of combined YouTube and Vimeo views on the Kony 2012 video as of Wednesday, April 11, 2012. The video was posted on Monday, March 5, 2012.
Average number of months it has taken popular YouTube videos to surpass 50 million views in the past.
Number of Kony 2012 YouTube video views from within Facebook.
Year that a warrant of arrest was issued for Joseph Kony.
Number of civilians Kony and his army have killed in the past year.
Average number of people Syrian President Bashar al-Assad kills per day.
11.5 million
Number of Tweets using the #Kony hashtag in the seven days following the posting of the Kony 2012 video.
6.6 million
Number of Tweets using the #Syria hashtag in the months of January, February and March.
Sources: The Telegraph, CBS News, Foreign Policy Magazine.