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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

How the Lone Star State is battling censorship

Noelle Texidor, Opinion Columnist February 16, 2023

Soon after Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capital in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021, Twitter banned the then-president from its platform. The ban was wildly polarizing, with some arguing that the...

Illustration by Holly VanVoorhis.

Free bird

Isabel Mathy, Opinion Columnist November 10, 2022

The n-word was tweeted over 500 percent more than usual on the day Elon Musk bought Twitter. Musk spent $44 billion (which is 26,666 times what the average American makes in a lifetime) to purchase the...

Musk’s Twitter takeover

Ben Kearney, News Reporter November 10, 2022

In a $44 billion acquisition, billionaire Elon Musk took ownership of the social media platform Twitter on Oct. 27 after announcing his intentions at the beginning of the year. Since the takeover, Musk...

Illustration by Madi Welch.

Actors who should play Mario instead of Chris Pratt

Sammy Fitts, Single (X) Taken (X) Gamer(?) October 7, 2021

The internet cried out on the Sept. 23 2021, when Nintendo announced that Chris Pratt would be the starring voice in the Super Mario Bros movie. There is obviously one major problem with this casting:...

Gen Z: We’re doing more than you think

Ava Liponis, Columnist September 24, 2020

Gen Z is the largest and most racially diverse generation in the United States; we distrust power and dislike authority; we are masters of technology and pioneers of social media. With that said, Gen Z...

Illustration by Anika Vucicevic

Trump’s charity scandal

Mat Chapin, Columnist November 21, 2019

Keeping up with the news is exhausting. It feels like every day there is some huge revelation or scandal coming out of the White House that we are supposed to pay attention to, and within 24 hours the...

Illustration by Elie Flanagan

Facebook’s new advertising policy

Mat Chapin, Columnist November 7, 2019

In the past couple of weeks, Mark Zuckerberg has come under increasing scrutiny for Facebook’s policy concerning false and un-fact checked political advertising. In what seems to be a response to right-wing...

Illustration by Nathaly Perez

Kanye’s Trump-ian Love Affair

Rina Cakrani, Columnist May 3, 2018

In the past I have been a fan of Kanye West, but the latest news about him has left me quite speechless. After his tweets in support of Trump and a picture of him wearing the “Make America Great Again”...

Illustration by Julie Peterson.

Whitman Updates Advertising Strategy with Social Media

Josephine Adamski April 17, 2014
Whitman is increasing its presence in the fast-paced social media world. Whitman is integrating social media into its advertising strategies in order to help Whitman reach a larger audience of prospective students, current students and alumni.
Illustration by Luke Hampton

A Movie Reviewer’s ‘Hair’y Adventure

Nathan Fisher April 11, 2013
For almost two years I’ve had the awesome job of writing movie reviews for The Pio—Friday night: the theater with a tub of popcorn; Saturday morning: Zip off a short review. Easy! Never thinking that I would have to work and write a real article, I was shocked to see an email from my editor asking me to look into a movie called “HairBrained” that supposedly had something to do with Whitman. Sounded interesting. So armed with a Web page for the movie, I naively set out on my first attempt at investigative journalism.

Campus examines use of social media

Daniel Kim October 4, 2012
As technology becomes more central in the daily lives of Americans, colleges all around the nation have begun breaking into social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Whitman has taken notice that students are living more of their lives over these social communication services.

Numbers in the news

Shelly Le April 12, 2012
Numbers in the news is a weekly feature highlighting numbers and statistics of interest to college students.
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