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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Performative Activism and Its Fatal Flaws

Nohraine Rose Gaddi, Opinion Columnist October 24, 2024

Un-genuine acts of activism are fatal. As social media continuously puts us in an endless loop of doom-scrolling and online addiction, we become more exposed to the abundance of horrific events and overwhelming...

Illustration by Helios Santoro

Activism from All Angles

Ansley Peard, Feature Writer February 8, 2024

The sound of a bull horn and chanting students split the thick morning mist that usually cloaks Ankeny in early November. It was the morning of Nov. 9, 2023, and the Whitman Student Action Committee...

Silence your cellphones and live life

Noelle Texidor, Opinion Columnist April 27, 2023

Remember the last time you stayed up late scrolling through your phone? You may have been on one of many social media sites, staring at pictures of people with seemingly perfect lives. Perhaps as you continued...

Photo contributed by Sadaat Momin Zada.

Whitman student creates new social media platform for college students

Natalie Comerford, News Reporter April 27, 2023

Recently, sophomore Sadaat Momin Zada launched a brand-new social media platform, Coho. On the app, users sign up with their college email to join an exclusive space for students from their college email...

Why are we so afraid of growing old?

Noelle Texidor, Opinion Columnist March 9, 2023

For most people, the thought of getting older can be daunting. When someone comes up to you and says, “I wish I was young again,” or, “Appreciate being young while you can — it doesn’t last forever,”...

Photos contributed by interviewees.

Campus celebrities: they’re just like us!

Zoe Schacter-Brodie, Feature Editor March 9, 2023

At a school of Whitman’s size, certain notable characters are bound to surface. It’s not difficult to gain some name recognition or spark brief campus-wide conversation. What happens, though, to...

Illustration by M Hu

Meet the TikTok trend that gets off on your pain

Chloe Hansen, Opinion Columnist February 16, 2023

Advocacy or retraumatization? That’s the question I find myself asking whenever TikTok recommends me a video tagged “#corecore.” Corecore is a recent trend that takes a third person perspective...

How the Lone Star State is battling censorship

Noelle Texidor, Opinion Columnist February 16, 2023

Soon after Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capital in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021, Twitter banned the then-president from its platform. The ban was wildly polarizing, with some arguing that the...

Photo contributed by Morgan Stone.

Whit-man’s best friend

Amelia Leach, Campus Life Reporter February 2, 2023

Taking care of something other than yourself can be incredibly beneficial to one's mental health. For some, it’s plants; for others, it’s chia pets. For junior Simone Calero and senior Zoe Schacter-Brodie*,...

Musk’s Twitter takeover

Ben Kearney, News Reporter November 10, 2022

In a $44 billion acquisition, billionaire Elon Musk took ownership of the social media platform Twitter on Oct. 27 after announcing his intentions at the beginning of the year. Since the takeover, Musk...


Bex Heimbrock, Opinion Editor October 27, 2022

BeReal is a social media app whose stated mission is to allow users to “discover who your friends really are in their real life.” What ‘real life’ is remains to be seen. The way it works: once...

Illustration by Shasta Sholes.

The Yak is back on campus

Grace Jackson, News Reporter October 7, 2021

The anonymous location-based messaging app, Yik Yak, is back on the app store and downloaded on phones at Whitman. Yik Yak was founded by college students in 2013 and was surrounded by controversy until...

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