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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLV, Issue 4
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Active Bystanders

Harry Kelso, Columnist November 9, 2017

To what extent are viewers or bystanders of injustice responsible for what they have failed to intervene in? In situations where they cannot or do not know how to help, this is an especially difficult...

Faith Photo by Henry Honzel

What is Work Study?

Olivia Gilbert, Feature Editor February 2, 2017

Regardless of whether they receive work study or not, ask the average Whittie to define ‘work study,’ and chances are they will have a difficult time answering completely. While most know the term...

Student in Quandary after Door is Held for Her

Clara Wheeler, Humor Writer December 8, 2016

Whitman student Jackie Daniels is totally freaking out right now because baseball team beauty Mike Bellafonte held open the door for her on her way to class, even though she was more than thirty feet away...

Illustration by Claire Revere

Whitman Student Security Wins Best New Job of 2016

Ben Freedman, Humor Editor December 1, 2016

It’s official. Just last week, Forbes released its most recent installment of the best new jobs of 2016, and Whitman’s student security position was crowned supreme. In unprecedented fashion, Whitman...

Student shamed for not mentioning intersectionality in politics class

Ben Freedman, Humor Editor October 27, 2016

Late Thursday afternoon, sophomore Michael Johnson was reportedly publicly shamed when he failed to recognize the significance of intersectional identity in the context of his intro level race and ethnic...

Pretentious Student Overly Proud of Guatemala Spring Break Service Trip

Ben Freedman, humor editor April 7, 2016

Intent on venturing abroad during break while still helping out the less fortunate, first-year Brian Saunders selflessly spent his Spring Break painting doors throughout rural southeastern Guatemala. Having...

Liberal Whitties Rejoice at Human Death

Megumi Rierson, staff writer February 25, 2016

It’s no secret that Whitman students take pride in putting the capital L “Liberal” in Liberal Arts, but this week we have really outdone ourselves. Following legendary Supreme Court Justice Antonin...

Whitman on the Map: 3 International Students Trace Their Journey to a New Home

Whitman on the Map: 3 International Students Trace Their Journey to a New Home

Kamna Shastri, Feature Writer November 5, 2015
Three Whitman students trace their journey to Walla Walla.
(Left to right) Emma casley, Noelle butler, Meg Logue and John Lee. Photo contributed by Jonh Lee.

Whitman Hosts Film Festival Branch

Martina Pansze, A&E Editor October 15, 2015
This year is the first that The Tri-Cities International Film Festival (TRIFI) has screened a branch at Whitman.
Photo contributed by Terrance Mitchell of George Fox University

From “The Crescent”: Leaving the battlefield and hitting the books

October 27, 2014

This story was originally published in The Crescent of George Fox University on October 15, 2014. It was written by George Fox staff writer Amy Rose. This story is printed here through the Northwest News...

We tried to order a waffle with the toppings on the side, on two separate plates....this is what we received. We're still working on our Chinese ordering skills!

Slice of Seattle in Shanghai

Rachel Palfini March 16, 2014

Today, I joined a fellow CIEE student (Margot) at a coffee shop (Magodo's 520 Coffee) across from ECNU to work on homework together. I've been to lots of coffee shops in Shanghai and they are very similar...

Gym Culture on Campus

Bill Landefeld November 21, 2013
When you look at a banana, what do you think? Do you think: “Man, that banana looks really tasty, I think I am going to eat it” or do you think “Man, that 100 calorie banana with 27 g of carbohydrates, 15 g of which are sugars, loaded with potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C will be a great snack right before I go and run, because it is high on the glycemic index”? Personally, I think about the latter.
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