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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

What You Missed at the Undergraduate Conference

Conor Bartol, something of an undergraduate researcher myself April 11, 2024

Ah, the Undergraduate Conference: a momentous day of rigorous research, academic inquiry, startling results, salient questions and a free lunch. What could be better? The only problem with the Conference...

Illustration by Helios Santoro

QUIZ: How well do you hide that you’re a STEM major?

Grace Canny, science building enjoyer September 21, 2023

  Have you ever woken up in a haze in the Science building student lounge, parts of your problem set tattooed on your face? Have you ever worn those silly little, uh, the special glasses that...

Are gap years helpful?

Tasha Hall, Campus Life Reporter May 4, 2023

When you move from high school to college, and then maybe from college to graduate school, you may wonder whether you should take a break from academics. Some people worry this break will cause one...

Whitman majors as Biological phyla

Rachel Husband, Can I spit on you? Sorry, that's my STEM elitism talking May 12, 2022

If you know me, then you know I’m an ES-Bio major recently diagnosed with mental illness, I abhor the discipline of sociology and I only believe in sticking to themes at the MET gala. Here are my rankings...

STEM and the liberal arts

Gavin Victor, Columnist May 13, 2020

In “This Is Water,” David Foster Wallace writes, “there are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, ‘Morning,...

In Defense of the Board of Trustees

Marra Clay, Publisher May 4, 2017

The Board of Trustees made a mistake. They grew the faculty too much, too quickly over the last few years, and now are needing to make cuts, which they are doing by not renewing certain tenure track positions...

Op-Ed: Open Letter To Whitman Board of Trustees

Matt Reynolds, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Art History and Visual Culture Studies April 10, 2017

An Open Letter to the Whitman College Board of Trustees: In a famous scene from the 1984 film Amadeus, composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart confronts his patron, the Emperor Joseph II, who has just seen...

Infographic by Peter Eberle.

Struggles in STEM

Whitman grapples with underrepresentation in sciences, math
Photo by Anna Dawson

Former Astronaut, Alumna Returns to Whitman College

Marra Clay, Publisher April 7, 2016
Dorothy "Dottie" Metcalf-Lindenberger '97, a first-generation educator astronaut, returned to Whitman to speak about Science, Technology, Engineer and Math (STEM) education
STEM pressure shouldn't decide women's futures

STEM pressure shouldn’t decide women’s futures

Hillary Smith September 25, 2014
Encouragement and positivity for women going into STEM are crucial. If women love physics, they should study it. But if they love discussing philosophy, they should do that, because the humanities play a vital role in society.
Whitman Science Department Needs Diversity

Whitman Science Department Needs Diversity

Anuradha Lingappa February 13, 2014
At first glance, the Hall of Science, with its fancy chemistry equipment, lecture halls with built-in computer desks and display cases of taxidermy animals, might seem like it has something for everyone.
Illustration: Alex Bailey

‘Booth babes’ trivialize women’s role in technology

Blair Hanley Frank February 16, 2012
Booth Babes have become an iconic aspect of tech shows, but their presence undermines both the real merits of innovative projects as well as the contributions of women to the field.
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