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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Hayden Garner.

Hear ye, hear ye: Fairy tales, gossip and foibles from Whitman

Rachel Husband, loose-lipped above and below February 16, 2023

Dearest Reader,  In this article, you shall find some of my favorite stories from the Whitman College campus; some of these stories you may have heard, some of which may be falsified and all of which...

Illustration by Amelia Ebling.

Student heartbroken over Whitman breakup that does not concern her

Grace Canny, nosy February 9, 2023

“I haven’t eaten in days; I’m losing sleep. I can’t even focus on my crocheting; I’m torn to shreds over this,” sophomore Kelsey Smith said. The thing eating her alive is something some...

A scary story to tell in the dark: Dignity lost in Sig basement

Maddie Ott, Hot ‘n Bothered November 7, 2019

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, not quite stormy, but in the low thirties with a brisk and terribly biting wind. Nothing seemed amiss. ‘Twas a Friday night after a long and arduous week of participating...

Tiger needs a cage

gabrielcahn December 8, 2009
Yes, the rumors are true. Tiger Woods did smoke crystal meth with Andre Agassi the night he drove his car into a fire hydrant—just kidding, but seriously, Tiger really screwed up this time.
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