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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Jonah Rosen-Bloom

Whitman Drinking Culture: It Must be Protected

Meghan Kearney, cultural curator September 28, 2023

Washington State Law RCW 66.44.270 prohibits those under 21-years-old from consuming, acquiring or distributing alcohol.  Personally, I disagree.  For the Whitman party scene in particular,...

First Month Bucket List

Grace Canny, all knowing September 14, 2023

Hello to all you readers of The Wire! Another academic year at our four-year-degree-granting-institution-of-choice has started and the buzz of ~1500 young people fills our campus again. Whether you’re...

illustration by Jonah Rosen-Bloom

First-years bewildered by ringing noises after assuming clock tower was decorative

George Groebner, visibly shaken September 14, 2023

As the class of 2027 settles into their dorms and begins to adjust to college life, one mysterious occurrence is leaving them unsettled: a low, ominous ringing sound, reverberating through campus several...

Illustration by Allyson Kim.

Limited club sports opportunities challenges first year experience

Nisha Gharti Magar, Sports Reporter March 18, 2021

Club sports are widely considered an integral part of the college first year experience, but with the fall semester online, many students were not able to take advantage of all that club sports have to...

Illustration by Madi Welch.

Home is wherever you make it

Angel Baikakedi, Columnist March 18, 2021

We are all familiar with the saying “Home is where the heart is,” but I believe that home is wherever you make it. Around this time last year, before I came to Whitman, I was making plans to go home...

Illustration by Allyson Kim.

First year students respond to living and learning pods plan

Abby Main, Staff Reporter October 29, 2020

Overview In an email sent Oct. 9, Whitman College President Kathy Murray introduced the college’s plan in the event that all students are unable to return next semester for in-person learning. “In...

Photo contributed by Jessica Hernandez Luis.

First year fall FOMO

Genevieve Vogel, Feature Reporter September 17, 2020

FOMO— the Fear of Missing Out. Whitman College’s decision to hold fall semester via remote learning left some students feeling FOMO about what is popularly referred to as the “freshman experience.”...

Letter in support of Encounters faculty circulates

Grace Jackson, News Reporter February 20, 2020

A letter began circulating among faculty in January to show solidarity with the adjunct faculty members who will lose their jobs with the termination of the Encounters program. As of Tuesday, Feb. 18,...

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