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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Drop on by Drip Drop dance club

Drop on by Drip Drop dance club

Tenzin Uden & Jaime Fields, Campus Life Reporter & Campus Life Editor September 29, 2022

On Friday afternoons in the dance studio, anywhere from two to 20 students can be found dancing in sync to the music played over the speakers. This is Drip Drop dance club: a place where people come...

Illustration by Paloma Link.

KnitWhits: A close-knit community

Naia Willemsen, Campus Life Reporter February 10, 2022

Knitting, crocheting, even sewing: KnitWhits do it all. Despite the catchy name, the club isn’t solely a knitting club, although many of their members are knitters. Every Thursday at 7 p.m., members...

Debate returns after suspension. Two debate partnerships advanced to the quarterfinals in most recent tournament.

Debate Returns To Whitman

Sylvie Corwin, Staff Reporter September 24, 2018

Debate at Whitman is back. The team was suspended in the spring of 2015 for violating team and school policies. These included alcohol violations at a tournament and allegations of gender discrimination...

Photo by Samarah Uribe.

Spotlight on Students: KnitWhits

Afton Weaver, Staff Writer February 16, 2017

KnitWhits, a fiber arts and knitting club at Whitman, allows students to engage in conversation, and relieve stress, while using yarn to harness their inner creativity. KnitWhits is open to all Whitman...

Social Dance Club

Eric Anderson, Staff Writer April 14, 2016
Sometimes, you really just can't fight that urge to get up and dance. Fortunately, when that happens, there's a club tailor-made for you.

Club Disbands After Members Exhaust Dating Options

Martina Pansze April 1, 2016
Following a press release on Tuesday, the Whitman Alpine Luge Team (WALT) will be disbanding indefinitely.

Whitman Socialist Front Embezzles Club Funds

Ben Freedman, humor edi February 11, 2016

After being ratified as a club by ASWC, the Whitman Socialist Front has begun to make a name for itself around campus, attracting droves of Whittie comrades looking to see who can “out-liberal” one...

A close look at club continuity

Lane Barton February 12, 2015
As students only spend four years on campus, clubs often disappear when interest fades or members graduate. Content, leadership and a sense of community can all play a role in ensuring a club survives across multiple generations of students, according to the current members of Whitman's older student organizations.
Rachel Shober '13 coaches club players.

Varsity Volleyballers Aid Club Team

Peter Clark February 21, 2013
Club sports constantly face uphill battles. They are often underfunded, have limited practice times, and endure varying commitment levels from members of the team. While the men's club volleyball team combats many of these issues, they do enjoy one particular advantage: varsity coaches.
Chloe Kinsey and Joanna

Senior Starts Club for Multi-Ethnic Students

Jacqueline Rees-Mikula January 31, 2013
The Intercultural Center and certain clubs provide opportunities for students to take pride in their racial identities, yet Whitman lacks a space where students can examine what it means to belong to multiple cultures at once. To fill this gap, senior Johanna Otico began developing the Mixed Student Union.
Credit: Marie von Hafften

IM athletes help set health record straight

Molly Emmett November 10, 2011
While fall IM Football may have wrapped for the season, concerns remain that the Welty Health Center falls short when it comes to caring for non-varsity athletes.

Beyond Borders Club Shifts Focus to Include Non-International Students

Dylan Tull September 15, 2011
The Beyond Borders Club, formerly known as the International Students and Friends Club, has recently undergone a few pointed changes in order to expand the club's boundaries and encourage non-international students to participate in international affairs.
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