Wondering if Pio Sports Editor Tristan Gavin is single? Tired of staring at him in class, wishing you could get up the nerve to talk to him? Well, look no further––The Pio has got you covered with our very own dating profile of the oh-so-dreamy sports editor. Not only is he single, but he also loves writing poetry, eating salads and taking long walks on the beach. Plus, his name sounds like he is either a famous country singer or he’s jumped straight from a romance novel––what’s not to love about Tristan Gavin?

Tristan hails from the sunny beaches of Santa Cruz, Calif. At the ripe age of 20 and three-quarters, the six-foot-one-and-little-baby-inch sports editor of The Pio left his glamorous life as a collegiate baseball player in search of a writing career with The Pio. Though Tristan pulls long nights in the Pio office, his true passion lies in penning rhyming poetry while listening to the croons of singer/songwriter Taylor Swift.
According to Tristan, “People say poetry doesn’t need to rhyme, but all of Taylor Swift’s songs do, so I beg to differ.”
Besides his undying love for poetry and Taylor Swift, Tristan refuses to live without oxygen, air, food and, of course, aglets, the little plastic tips that keep shoelaces from fraying. Tristan is also a Bigfoot enthusiast; he hopes to one day meet and search for Bigfoot with James “Bobo” Fay.
Despite his easygoing nature, Tristan dislikes curly straws and when people make eye contact with him, about which he says, “It’s like, ‘Hello, my boobs are down here …'”
Although Tristan has remained fascinated with Bigfoot for years, he shudders at the thought of big feet.
According to Tristan, “They creep me out. Anything over size 12 and you should need a license.” Good thing Bobo hasn’t found Bigfoot yet.
On dates, Tristan loves to eat canned peaches (opened with his Swiss Army knife) and roasted marshmallows beside a crackling fire. Want to take Tristan out on a date to get Vietnamese Pho? Better think twice; Tristan hates Pho restaurants with puns in their names. As he says, “Ain’t nobody got time Pho that.”