Bon App sponsored wine tasting

Grace Canny, Master Sommelier, probably, it can’t be hard

You’ve heard of Brew Night at Reid with party animal Juli Dunn. Certainly nothing can beat knocking back a couple of brewskis in Reid Ballroom at 5 p.m. on a Thursday. It might be all you’ve ever wanted: to only pay 5 dollars for a beer and to drink it with Senior Associate Dean of Students Juli Dunn. You thought wrong. The exciting sequel arrives at Whitman College with an A-lister campus celeb, Chef Jon, as its host: Wine Time at Cleveland Commons. 

You only need three words to describe Wine Time: lit, crazy, movie. There is no more elegant, upscale and refined space than Cleve, so a wine event seemed to be a logical next step. Each section of our cafeteria was devoted to a separate wine. The booths by noodles hosted a dry white. Global, a full-bodied red. The salad station obviously served rosé. 

Wine Time was widely considered a success! Tipsy students grooved to decent-enough jazz with Chef Jon Sodini — a bucket list item for every Whittie. Deep conversations and hearty laughs echoed through those hallowed Cleveland halls. To make the night even greater, the underage students of Whitman did not attend in droves like at Brew Night, because who actually wants to drink wine?

The event went so swimmingly that Bon App is considering opening its own winery storefront downtown, because Walla Walla really needs another one of those. One of the more exciting business ventures that was proposed is a duck wine. No, no, not wine made FROM ducks, a wine FOR ducks. Preliminary focus groups revealed that 31 percent of Whitman students think it’s cute to get the campus ducks “just a little buzzed.”

Tune in next week for a brand new event at Whitman College — White Claw Evening at the GAC — or what I call just another Tuesday night!