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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo by Pedro Lizardi

Q&A with New Public Library Director Heather VanTassell

Oliver Kaufman, News Reporter December 7, 2023

Heather VanTassell has recently joined the Walla Walla Public Library staff as library director, following years of work as a managing librarian in the Yakima Valley Libraries system. The following...

A shaking of the stacks: The Dayton Library conflict

Ansley Peard and Kasey Moulton September 14, 2023

Editor’s Note: Some interviews for this article were conducted prior to the Columbia County Superior Court’s Sept. 6 decision to temporarily block Proposition 2 from appearing on Nov. ballots.  The...

Update on Walla Walla book banning efforts

Update on Walla Walla book banning efforts

Sebastian Squire, News Reporter October 5, 2022

On Sept. 22, the Walla Walla Public School District held its second school board meeting of the 2022-2023 school year. During the public comment portion of the meeting, several parents expressed outrage...

Photos by Dana Kendrick

Seniors cope with finishing final requirements virtually

Rosa Woolsey, News Reporter May 13, 2020

As the Class of 2020 reconciles with their last few weeks at Whitman, they are also finishing their final assessments under completely unexpected circumstances. Social distancing and online distance-learning...

Illustration by Nathaly Perez

Penrose Library excited to light books on fire to keep the bathrooms hellishly warm during this winter season

Anthony Reale, Farm Animal November 16, 2018

In a board meeting on Monday, the staff of Penrose Library — after hearing that the entire endowment had been spent on Cleveland Commons — realized that they would not have any money to keep the...

Sneezing in the Quiet Room: 5 Tips to Recover the Respect of Your Peers

Winston Weigand March 30, 2017

If you’ve ever found yourself in the quiet room of Whitman College’s Penrose Library, then you certainly understand the severity of generating a sound louder than five decibels. For clarity, five decibels...

Photo by Natalie Mutter

Jacob Hashimoto’s Larger-Than-Life Artwork Descends Upon Whitman Campus

Martina Pansze, Managing Editor September 8, 2016
Hashimoto draws upon traditional Japanese art in his works. "Gas Giant Fragments and Silence" is on display in the Sheehan Gallery this Fall, and "When Nothing Ends, Nothing Remains" was permanently installed in the foyer of Penrose Library.
Marisa Ikert assists a student. Photo by Nikki Antenucci.

Penrose, ARC, SEC, COWS open new Learning Commons

Annie Roge October 16, 2014
The new Learning Commons aims to provide an additional resource for students during evening hours when the programs’ main offices are not open or available. While each department involved still retains the bulk of their services in their respective offices, the Learning Commons aims to provide short-notice, convenient assistance to students when they need it.

Melina Hughes April 24, 2014
Spring is in the air, but is love?
Mease not Mooses: Library Bathrooms

Mease not Mooses: Library Bathrooms

Luke Hampton December 12, 2013

Cartoon by Asa Mease

Archive work––Erika Horwege profile

Kaili Masamoto October 25, 2012
While working inside Penrose Library may not sound like most people’s ideal way to spend summer vacation, senior Erika Horwege jumped at the opportunity.
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