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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Sylvie Corwin

The Dirt on Dating

Alex Brockman, Feature Editor April 4, 2019

Writing an article on Whitman’s Dating scene for the Wire I thought I knew what I would hear. As a second semester junior, I have seen a lot of discontent in some of my peers, myself included, in the...

Ask them out!

September 10, 2015

Welcome back to Bang City! We’re sure that many of you have already noticed the plethora of fine, foxy folks frolicking freely about campus this fall. If you are like us, that probably means you would...

Melina Hughes April 24, 2014
Spring is in the air, but is love?

Melina Hughes April 24, 2014
Spring is in the air, but is love?
Freshman Girl Goes On Best Date Of All Time

Freshman Girl Goes On Best Date Of All Time

Kyle Seasly February 14, 2013
Gathered around a Prentiss Dining Hall brunch table, Jewett Hall resident Gabriela Stevens revealed to her friends that she had gone on “THE BEST DATE EVER” the previous evening. Later, in an exclusive Skype session with the Backpage’s romance expert, she revealed the intimate details of this apparent Romeo “without the whole pedophile thing” on campus.

Dating discussion focuses on cyber flirting, technology

Shelly Le April 26, 2012
Last Monday, April 23, Sharon Kaufman-Osborn, a counselor at Whitman, hosted a discussion focused on questions surrounding dating, relationships and self-confidence.

Romance in a Trivial World

March 13, 2012

This column was written by Rollo I was with my boyfriend for an entire year before we decided to publicize our relationship on Facebook. Our relationship was stable––the potential for an embarrassing...

Like A Little, WhitmanEncounters can’t take place of real, sincere interaction

February 23, 2012
Although Like a Little and Whitman Encounters can be endlessly entertaining when you're trying to procrastinate, the issues trying to be solved on the site, both personal and campus-wide, are greater than the sites themselves.

Letter to the Editor: Sexually fruitful relationships need not lead to divorce-ridden marriages

February 16, 2012
I am appalled by the uxorial hubris exhibited in the article 'Replacing communication with sex prepares us for divorce!' I'm surprised by the sophomoric claims made by last week's guest columnist.
Credit: Ethan Parrish

‘Dating Doctor’ shares humor, romantic advice

caitlinhardee February 2, 2012
On Tuesday, Jan. 31, Whitman welcomed David Coleman, "The Dating Doctor." Coleman's visit was timely, as 62 percent of Whitman students declared themselves unsatisfied with dating opportunities on campus in a survey.

Replacing communication with sex prepares us for divorce

January 26, 2012
Do exclusively sexual relationships we maintain in high school, college, and beyond set us up for failed marriages?
Credit: Jung Song

Why is dating outdated?

Alex Brott April 28, 2011
It shouldn't be out of the ordinary to go on dates. Dating doesn't have to lead to marriage, and it's an avenue to relationships that people too often overlook.
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