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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Abby Takahashi

Is that the Hamburglar I just saw?

Anthony Reale, Dishwasher Enthusiast November 6, 2018

Students living in Prentiss Hall were shocked to see a form climbing up the Memorial clocktower on Sunday night.  Assuming that it was some sort of ASWC Apology Tour stunt, most students shook their heads...

Op-Ed: Satire & the Avoidance of Trauma

Anthony Reale, Humor Editor October 21, 2018

Recently, the backpage published an article that covered the uncomfortable aversion that white people feel towards the situation that transpired between ASWC and a group of womxn of color.  Despite the...

Juniors Alex Izbiky and Lucas Bergeson of Izbiklson face off against Sophmores Jake Klusmeier and Willie Klemmer of the Totally Toasted Taquitos in Division one intramural spikeball.

Intramurals Spike Up at Whitman

September 19, 2018

Intramural (IM) Sports is adding another sport to the mix. IM Sports is a Whitman student-run program that 70 percent of the student body participates in. Students can join either as individuals or...

The women's tennis team enters the NWC Playoffs as the #2 seed and will play Lewis and clark in the semifinal before facing the winner between host Linfield and Whitworth.

Century Club Celebration – Playoff Push and Hanna Greenberg’s 100th Win

Susanna Williams, Staff Reporter April 19, 2018

On Saturday April 7 against Pacific Lutheran University (PLU), Whitman’s women’s tennis team not only secured a remarkable 9-0 win as a team, but also made history. During a doubles match with Andrea...

Assistant Professor of History Jakobina Arch released her first book this April on whaling in Early Modern Japan.

From Biology to History: Arch Releases First Book on Whaling in Japan

Ben Kunz, Staff Reporter April 19, 2018

Assistant Professor of History Jakobina Arch studies environmental and Japanese history. Wire reporter Ben Kunz sat down with Professor Arch to discuss her first book, released this month, “Bringing...

Helpful Hilda; Advice Column

Helpful Hilda, Advisor-to-the-Stars February 15, 2018

 Dear Hilda, I am currently locked in my own bathroom, voluntarily, in my Cleveland, Ohio-located studio apartment. The reason is because I have a pile of dirty dishes in my kitchen, and they are starting...

NFL Player’s Neck Becomes Sentient and Escapes, Kills 73 Spectators

Annie Stefanides, Quiplash Master February 15, 2018

Twas a dark and stormy Sunday evening in February, and all eyes were on the true super-heroes of America: the modern day football player. As the giant stallions galloped around the field, biceps bulging...

Photo Contributed by Noah Cavanaugh

Athletes Abroad: Whitman Makes its Mark on Professional Sports Worldwide

Gaby Thomas, Sports Writer November 16, 2017

For the majority of Division III athletes, the end of their athletic careers tend to coincide with the end of their college careers. A few may go on to play in lighthearted adult club leagues, swim for...

Re-thinking Children and Childhood

September 28, 2017

Children can teach us a lot, yet we always assume the role of teacher. Too often we get caught up in the small inconsequentials of life, that can profoundly deplete our energy. But children, more often...

Board of Trustees Streamlines Committee Structure

Nick Maahs, News Reporter September 26, 2017

An ASWC email sent out September 8 announced that Whitman’s policy committees have been consolidated to three more broadly defined advisory groups. The email sought student representatives for the three...

Live Blog: Spring Issue 10

Mickey Shin, Managing Editor April 12, 2017

Happy National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! (Many of the editors are lactose intolerant.) Here's what is happening: The editors from the Walla Walla University Collegian are here! Editors...

Photo by Amelia Wells.

Borders as Method Immigration Action Proposal Receives Partial Funding

Andrew Schwartz, News Editor March 9, 2017

The Borders as Method (BAM) proposal for the Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC) savings fund money had two components. The first concerned student internships and community based-workshops....

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