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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Wheat Fields Turn Into Weed Fields: Whitman’s Tuition Cut Plan

Arham Khan, D.A.R.E survivor April 18, 2024

In a groundbreaking announcement that has students and Circle K parking lot dwellers alike buzzing with excitement, Whitman College has revealed its innovative plan to combat soaring tuition costs: converting...

Photos by Carson Jones

Tuition, room and board: Student refunds?

Rosa Woolsey, Staff Reporter April 19, 2020

Whitman College's move to online distance-learning has prompted many students to return home and compromised planned coursework. The way that the college is operating this semester has raised questions...

Pressing $50,000

Andrew Schwartz, News Editor April 20, 2017
The rise of tuition far beyond that of inflation is a well documented phenomena in higher education. But what accounts for these shifts at Whitman in particular?

Whitman changes pay-by-credit policy

Lindsey Brodeck, Staff Reporter February 23, 2017

Whitman college faculty recently voted to decrease the maximum credits allowed in the college’s pay by credit policy. This change will go into effect next year. Currently, second semester seniors who...

Financial Aid’s History: How Whitman Continues to Privilege Wealthy Applicants

Sarah Cornett October 28, 2015
Under its current financial aid policies, Whitman can reject applicants based on their family’s lack of wealth. But this is a relatively recent shift. The college became “need-sensitive” for the first time in 2009, and from 1986 to 1991, it also meet 100 percent of students’ financial need.

Show me the money: an examination of Whitman’s finances

Lachlan Johnson October 9, 2014
President Bridges came to the college in 2005 with the intent of strengthening the college’s financial position and increasing the endowment. While the last fifteen years saw a huge increase in the college’s endowment, this increase was accompanied by equally massive increases in spending by the college and skyrocketing tuition.
Photo by Emily Volpert

College Walks Thin Line Balancing Tuition, Salaries

Lachlan Johnson September 11, 2014
Whitman College has raised tuition dramatically over the past decade to maintain competitive salaries and academic programs, even as the average family’s income decreased.
graphic by Julie Peterson

Tuition Increase Pressures Students’ Finances

Lachlan Johnson April 10, 2014
The cost of tuition at Whitman for the 2014-2015 academic year will be raised $1,290 to $44,440, a 2.9 percent increase from last year and the smallest percent increase in the last decade.

Whitman Sets Lowest Tuition Increase in a Decade

Emily Lin-Jones April 11, 2013
Whitman recently sent out letters to parents, announcing that tuition is set for $43,150 for the 2013-2014 academic year. This marks an increase of 3.25 percent, the lowest increase in the past decade, down from last year's increase of 4 percent.

Tuition Raise, Renovations, Student Representation Discussed at Latest Trustee Meeting

Rachel Alexander February 14, 2013
Whitman's Board of Trustees approved the college's proposed budget during their meeting last week, as well as plans for renovating Baker Faculty Center, Memorial and the outdoor tennis courts.
ASWC Senate meeting, Feb. 10.  From left: Leann Adams, Tim Reed '15, Marcial Diaz Mejia '13, President Kayvon Behroozian '14, and Sam Sadeghi '13.

ASWC Fee Raised $14 For 2013-14 Academic Year

Lachlan Johnson February 10, 2013
The ASWC senate voted on Sunday, February 10th to raise the ASWC student fee an additional $14 to total $350 for the academic year of 2013-14.
Illustration: Emily Johnson

Off-campus studies to add programs, change tuition model for class of 2015

Emily Lin-Jones February 9, 2012
Change is coming to Whitman's Off-Campus Studies program, at least where the class of 2015 is concerned. The new model, which is to be implemented in the 2013 fall semester, will expand the college's list of partner programs and charge Whitman tuition for all offered programs.
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