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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

A bullet casing from what appears to be a pistol-style weapon, taken by an anonymous student in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.

BREAKING: Shooting At Frats Early Sunday Morning Damages Vehicles, Buildings

Bex Heimbrock, News Editor October 6, 2024

October 6, 2024 – Shots were fired near Tau Kappa Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi early this morning, around 2 a.m. Multiple cars were hit by the bullets, and photos of bullet holes in the walls and windows...

Whitman Launches New Healthcare Resource for Students

Bex Heimbrock, News Editor September 19, 2024

After the loss of Whitman’s 24/7 Health Center, the college has been looking to fill their healthcare gap. A new student group called Whitman College First Responders (WCFR) aims to do just that.  Whitman’s...

Illustration by Jonah Rosen-Bloom

Whitman Sign Switcher brought into custody

George Groebner, mild-mannered alter ego November 16, 2023

After being eluded for months, Whitman Security has finally apprehended the Sign Switcher, the shadowy mischief-maker responsible for the replacement of campus signs with other campus signs. Interrogation...

Illustration by M Hu.

Illegal? Student orders Domino’s to Penrose Library

Grace Canny, prefers not to comment on people's food habits but… December 8, 2022

Whitman Security was called to Penrose Library sometime after 8 p.m. on Dec. 7 to handle a report of a serious disturbance and violation of campus rules. A physical altercation ensued between a Domino's...

The repercussions of a Timely Warning

The repercussions of a Timely Warning

Rosa Woolsey, Staff Reporter March 3, 2020

On Feb. 15, members of the Whitman community received a Timely Warning from the Director of Security Marvin Viney, which described the “Hate Crime/Bias Incidents on Campus.” Seven hours after the initial...

Illustration by Haley King

Trump’s Security Chief Pick is Exactly Who We Expected: A Literal Bowl of Soup

Winston Weigand, Liberal Snowflake March 2, 2017

In a sudden turn of events, the CEO of the United States, Donald Trump, has selected a new National Security Advisor. The previous NSA John F. Kelly was forcefully dismissed by Trump after his second cousin’s...

Illustration by Claire Revere

Whitman Student Security Wins Best New Job of 2016

Ben Freedman, Humor Editor December 1, 2016

It’s official. Just last week, Forbes released its most recent installment of the best new jobs of 2016, and Whitman’s student security position was crowned supreme. In unprecedented fashion, Whitman...

Whitman reacts to security threats

December 3, 2015
An unidentified man in an unidentified car harassed students in the Science Building parking lot and on streets bordering campus the night of Friday, November 14th at around 2 in the morning.

Community prepares for high school debate tournament

Sam Jacobson October 30, 2014
This year, over 190 high school students from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia are expected to attend the tournament. This year the influx of high schoolers falls over the Halloween weekend.
Photo by Marra Clay

Cooperation between Campus Security, WWPD keeps students safe

Lane Barton September 18, 2014
Improved collaboration and identification of the loose roles of Campus Security and the Walla Walla Police Department in the past few years have helped make these organizations more effective, with Campus Security being the first to respond to incidents on campus and police arriving if they receive a complaint.
Photo by Halley McCormick

Director of Security builds connections with students

Serena Runyan September 18, 2014
According to Stroe, all members of the family are excited to meet Whitman students.

NSA Activity Cannot be Ignored

Bill Landefeld December 5, 2013
Just when you thought you could escape the madness of class just before finals, Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald leak another classified National Security Agency (NSA) document that shakes the world.
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