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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Modernizing Classical Music

Jack Fleming December 7, 2017

The problem with classical music today has nothing to do with the music itself. Rather, notable flaws in the presentation and accessibility of this genre are what must be addressed in order for it to be...

Historic Rap Musical Hits Broadway

Clara Wheeler, staff writer March 10, 2016

Pope Leo X: I’m a patron of the arts and the head of the church, My power is supreme, but one man tries to besmirch My reputation with his declarations, his agitation of the rabble Is sure...

Another Socially Conscious Seattle-Based Hip-hop Group Comes to Campus

Another Socially Conscious Seattle-Based Hip-hop Group Comes to Campus

Hannah Bartman April 3, 2014
This upcoming Thursday, April 3 Whitman will host yet another socially conscious Seattle based hip-hop artist, RAPlemore, to play in the Reid Campus center. Preaching for world peace and an end to mass consumption of GMOs, RAPlemore is sure to jive with issues that concern the average Whittie.
known as International Mo B.  Photos courtesy of

International Mo B. Raps with Purpose

Quin Nelson January 24, 2013

Mobi Njoku is a senior at Eastern Washington University, where he is an accounting and finance double major. Like many students, Njoku has a side hobby to keep him busy. However, when other kids are out...

Local performers get stage time at cantina

Hannah Bartman September 27, 2012

Strolling down Main Street and looking in the quaint boutiques of Walla Walla, one would be surprised to find out that there are battles raging just a mile from the Whitman College campus. However, these...

Photos by Tanner Bowersox.

Hip-hop drives individuals, fuels campus music culture

Kaili Masamoto September 27, 2012
While it may sound surprising, there is, in fact, a growing influence of hip-hop and rap music within our community. Sophomore Sayda Morales and juniors Cam Young and Kyle Moyes share their personal connections to these genres and illuminate the surprising relevance of hip-hop and rap to everyone's lives.
Radio waves carry signal of hope for incarcerated listeners

Radio waves carry signal of hope for incarcerated listeners

caitlinhardee May 9, 2012

Ensconced behind the soundboard in the cozy KWCW studio, it's easy for a college DJ to imagine that nobody is actually listening. Few Whitties own radio sets, and while friends and family might be...

Whitman alum’s ‘RAPtivism’ album spreads positive message worldwide

Alex Hagen April 5, 2012
'RAPtivism,' a hip-hop album by Whitman alumnus Aisha Fukushima ’09, has finally been released after years of traveling, recording and post-production. Fukushima, who was able to produce the album thanks to her Watson Fellowship, traveled extensively in Africa, Europe and Asia.

KWCW Show of the Week

The Editors February 9, 2012
Julez and Gretch spin hardcore classical music and underground bay area rap, along with every other genre of music.

Minnesota rapper Dessa shows off her softer side

Alex Hagen October 20, 2011
Alex Hagen explores the latest album from Minnesota rapper Dessa, who blends influences of poetry and philosophy into her music.
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