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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Holly VanVoorhis.

Your invisibility is your privilege

Kainat Ansari, Opinion Columnist December 8, 2022

When we think of the word "invisibility," we think of it as the power to render oneself unable to be seen. This term appears to be very simple on the surface, until we realize that invisibility is a privilege....

OP-ED: Whitman doesn’t need a queer affinity group that includes white people

Sammy Fitts, Junior April 21, 2022

During the first half of the spring 2022 semester, I was the secretary of Whitman’s now-defunct LGBTQIA+ affinity group, PRISM. I was sending out the emails for this organization, attempting to “fix”...

Meet the meat industry: An article for the curious but unacquainted

Isabella Hunter, Columnist April 1, 2022

TW: Graphic descriptions, link containing graphic content If you’re anything like me, you’ve been vaguely aware of the scope of animal cruelty within the meat industry for the majority of your life....

Why race and ethnicity courses should be required

Rina Cakrani, Columnist November 14, 2019

All first-years at Whitman are required to take Encounters and meet distribution requirements, but considering the current society we are part of, I believe that all students should also be required to...

Illustration by Elena Kaminskaia

The real victims of homelessness

Mat Chapin, Columnist October 9, 2019

People don't like seeing homelessness.  It makes them uncomfortable. It makes them feel unsafe. It lowers the value of their waterfront properties.  Does this make the middle class the true victims of...

Illustration by Nathaly Pérez

Just a Face Mask?

Jordon Crawford, Columnist April 5, 2018

Admittedly, I had reservations that the new Marvel movie, “Black Panther,” would be met with much discontent. However, what I saw on my Facebook page this weekend completely blew me out of the water....

The Purpose of Power and Privilege

Alondra Contreras, Columnist March 1, 2018

Throughout my four years at Whitman I have asked this question more than once during the P&P Symposium season. As a woman of color, I often find myself doing more work than my white peers. The Power...

P&P Battens Down the Hatches as the White Feminists Approach, Rubbing their Hands Voraciously

Anthony Reale, Line Pusher February 22, 2018

Power and Privilege faces yet again the onslaught of white feminists as the Symposium’s date approaches.  This problem, a yearly challenge for the planners of P&P, returns yet again in the form...

Another Perspective on Cultural appropriation

Peggy Li, Opinion Editor October 29, 2017

In light of the PSA’s plastered around campus around Halloween time reminding us that ‘My culture is not a costume’ for an often-times oblivious perpetrator, it seems important that we re-think cultural...

Illustration by Eric Rannestad

Calling out Whitman College

Peggy Li, Opinion Editor April 13, 2017

On campus, it is generally accepted as a given that ‘privilege’ and ‘entitlement’ are definitively bad. Especially after an event like the Power and Privilege Symposium, words that, in and...

Students unsure how to spell ‘privilege’

Rebecca Gluck, Met Husband on Tinder April 2, 2017

Last week’s annual intercollegiate spelling bee was historic in several ways. For one, all eight Ivy League schools were disqualified for alleged collusion, although they insisted it was a harmless business...

Moonlight recaptures Oscars

Rina Cakrani, Columnist March 9, 2017

Despite some confusion at the Oscars on the winner of the Best Picture, "Moonlight" won the category in addition to numerous other wins. However, the impact of "Moonlight’s" victory on Oscars night goes...

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