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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Planned Parenthood Offering Free STI Testing for All

Sybella Ssewakiryanga, News Editor September 19, 2024

Walla Walla Planned Parenthood is providing free sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing for the month of September as part of their yearly Get Yourself Tested initiative (GYT). The campaign focuses...

Alpha Phifa raises money for Planned Parenthood

Tasha Hall, Campus Life Reporter April 20, 2023

“It doesn’t have to be a big difference, but at least some difference.”  Junior Clarisse Yee, President of the Beta Phi chapter of Alpha Phi, hit the mark with this statement for the Alpha Phifa...

PPGWNI hosts screening of short film “Walla Walla”

Sara Marshall, News Editor February 2, 2023

Jan. 22, 2023, would have marked the 50th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling. To commemorate the day, Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and Idaho (PPGWNI) hosted a screening of the short film...

Washington’s controversial Referendum 90, explained

Sean Gannon, News Editor October 22, 2020

Washington voters will soon decide whether a comprehensive sexual health education mandate will be enacted into law. Senate Bill 5395 — passed by the Legislature along party lines in March — requires...

Pio Past – ACLU President Defends Pornography

Ben Kunz, News Reporter March 29, 2018

The Pioneer published the following article in volume 107 issue 24 on May 1st, 1997. It was written by Jennifer Allen, a Staff Writer. “Censorship of pornography would be counterproductive to the...

Students Assist Fundraiser for Reproductive Rights

Students Assist Fundraiser for Reproductive Rights

Alasdair Padman, Staff Reporter February 1, 2018

On Thursday, January 25, Planned Parenthood celebrated the 45th anniversary of the Supreme Court Case “Roe v. Wade” with a fundraiser at El Corazon Winery. Though the event was not specifically geared...

First Annual Planned Parenthood Art and Music Festival

First Annual Planned Parenthood Art and Music Festival

Afton Weaver, Staff Reporter April 13, 2017

The first annual Planned Parenthood Art and Music Festival teemed with excitement and solidarity this past Friday, April 7. Despite the unpredictable weather that forced the event indoors to Reid Coffeehouse,...

Illustration by Claire Revere

United States Eagerly Awaits Slaughter of Planned Parenthood

Clara Wheeler, Cardboard Boxer January 28, 2017

With the defunding of Planned Parenthood coming closer and closer like the shark in Jaws, a lot of women across the country wait eagerly for the time that these services will cease to be affordable...

FACE Aims to Increase Campus Dialogue about Sexual Assault

FACE Aims to Increase Campus Dialogue about Sexual Assault

Karah Kemmerly March 6, 2013
FACE events like the recent sexual assault panel and Take Back the Night create a space for crucial dialogue about sexual assault and the campus culture surrounding it.
Footnote: Choosing Lube

Footnote: Choosing Lube

Spencer Wharton January 30, 2013
When I interviewed Cynthia Fine, Community Health Educator at Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho, a few months ago about painful sex, we had a great, in-depth conversation about not only pain during intercourse, but sexually transmitted infections; the importance of creating a positive, supportive atmosphere if you're having sex; good communication; and a whole raft of other topics. I had a lot to say and only a little bit of space to say it in, and inevitably, I left something important out. I want to fix that by saying a few words about choosing a good lubricant.

Awareness first step to relieving sexual pain

Spencer Wharton November 29, 2012
Painful sex should never be normal, and can be costly if ignored. These common causes of uncomfortable sex can relieve some of your suffering.

Whitman women take action against violence with ‘The Vagina Monologues’

Mallory Martin February 23, 2012
Starting this Friday, Feb. 24, Feminists Advocating Change and Empowerment and the Voices of Planned Parenthood will bring V-Day, an event of global activism, to campus. Started in 1988 by Eve Ensler, author of "The Vagina Monologues," V-Day is a campaign and organization that fights for an end to violence against women and girls.
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