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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman So White! breathes new life into Students and Alumni of Color Coalition with networking event

Whitman So White! breathes new life into Students and Alumni of Color Coalition with networking event

Zac Bentz, Campus Life Editor October 28, 2021

Last week, the Whitman So White! podcast held a virtual networking event for students and alumni of color. The event marked the beginning of an effort by junior Elea Besse and senior Jasmine Razeghi, the...

Senior playing hard to get with post-grad employers

Cade Schott, Journalist and not really sure how to make rice March 11, 2021

As their time at Whitman comes to a close, seniors are preparing their next steps. Many are in the midst of submitting dozens of job applications, trying to crack the stingy post-pandemic job market. However,...

Learning to Think: Amazon Day, "Life Paths" and the Liberal Arts

Learning to Think: Amazon Day, “Life Paths” and the Liberal Arts

Martina Pansze, Editor-In-Chief October 24, 2017
“On the surface, many people would think that a Whitman college graduate and Amazon don’t line up,” says Kim Rolfe, Director of Business Engagement at the Student Engagement Center (SEC) and organizer of Friday’s event. “But the truth is that a lot of the things they are looking for at Amazon, Whitman has prepared students very well to do.”
Erin Pahlke, professor of psychology

New Program Preps Future Educators

Daniel Kim February 21, 2013
On Tuesday, February 19, 2013, the Whitman’s pre-advising program held their very first municipal dinner event. The idea behind the networking dinner was to have students who are interested in education to have the opportunity to meet expert educators from the Walla Walla area. It was a chance for the Walla Walla educators and Whitman students to come together at this dinner and build that bridge so that Walla Walla educators can see how Whitman students are involved with education.
Photos by Halley McCormick.

Students and Alumni Get “Real” About Life After Graduation

Emily Lin-Jones October 25, 2012
“I had no idea what I wanted to do when I got out of school,” said alumna Kate Morrison ’95 to a small group of students gathered in Reid Campus Center 240 on Monday, Oct. 22. For the next hour, she described her journey to her current career as a freelance web and graphic designer and answered questions from students interested in entering that field. The event was the sixth installment in the Student Engagement Center’s Real Talk with Alumni series, a semester-long series of workshops that invites local alumni from a variety of professions to share insight and career advice in a small group discussion setting.
Illustration: Ariel Carter-Rodriguez

SEC fosters student-alumni ties through social media

Emily Lin-Jones February 23, 2012
Today's increasingly competitive job market can present a pretty intimidating challenge to the newly graduated or soon-to-graduate Whitman student, and many soon discover that networking is vital. That's why the Student Engagement Center (SEC) is currently looking for ways to connect more students to alumni through social media.
Illustration: Jung Song

Student Engagement Center helps students find jobs, internships

Dylan Tull October 20, 2011
On the top floor of Reid is a resource center that is prepared to help Whitman students through nearly every stage of their working life. With one-on-one advising, the Student Engagement Center (SEC) helps Whitman students throughout their lives to find community service opportunities, internships and careers that align with their specific interests and values.

Whitman students discuss employment opportunities, job market with alumni at networking event

Rose Woodbury October 6, 2011

To schmooze or not to schmooze: that is the question. Last Friday, Sept. 30, many current Whitties decided to meet with past Whitman grads to schmooze and network at the Alumni Networking Reception. With...

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