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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Solving the mystery of my own murder

Sammy Fitts, Better Sherlock Than Bennadrill Cumberbun April 14, 2022

Everyone remembers the article about me being murdered. That article was a joke and I am not a replacement Sammy. The article called for help from the good readers of The Wire. Unfortunately, none of you...

Whitman statues change places overnight

Conor Bartol, [Your Ad Here] March 11, 2021

Campus awoke surprised to find that the beloved Styx was no longer where he belonged, and in his place stood American Satyr and Mistress of the Wild Beasts from outside Maxey Hall. This unsettled students,...

Illustration by Claire Revere

America can’t handle its drinks

Rina Cakrani, Columnist October 12, 2016

One of the things that has surprised me the most about college life in the US is the way many college students don’t know how to deal with alcohol. There is this particular attitude towards alcohol...

Jackpage: Talking to strangers on planes

Jackpage: Talking to strangers on planes

Kyle Seasly March 12, 2015
When you fly on a plane, do you prefer the window or aisle seat? Once in my life I totally preferred the aisle. My preference was based on practicality — when you sit in the aisle seat, you don’t have to ask anyone to move when you want to go to the bathroom. Besides, I always feel uncomfortable engaging with strangers. I like to avoid talking to my seatmates as much as possible.
Board of Trustees Seeks Stronger Relationship with Campus

Board of Trustees Seeks Stronger Relationship with Campus

Helen Angell April 24, 2014
The Board of Trustees is the governing body that makes many of the most important decisions regarding Whitman’s future. From how to invest the $450 million endowment to choosing Whitman’s presidential leadership, the Board of Trustees is the highest authority at the college.
Who Stole My Seasonal Pies?: Part II

Who Stole My Seasonal Pies?: Part II

Rosemary Hanson December 5, 2013
A continuing search to right the wrongs done against a certain pie-eater.
Who Stole My Seasonal Pies?

Who Stole My Seasonal Pies?

Rosemary Hanson October 10, 2013
A Whodunnit. Was it you?
Illustration by Luke Hampton

Summer Movie Preview

Nathan Fisher May 2, 2013
The summer brings an action and laugh-filled movie list.
"Looper" delivers futuristic twists, thrills

“Looper” delivers futuristic twists, thrills

Nathan Fisher October 4, 2012
Nathan Fisher takes a look at "Looper," a new futuristic thriller that blends moral dilemmas with time-travel and telekinesis.
Image courtesy of HarperCollins Publishers (UK)

“One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” by Agatha Christie

Dana Thompson June 23, 2012
The first book from Shakespeare and Company that I’ve read and finished! It went by so fast; like most Agatha Christies that I’ve read, I just couldn’t put it down. The first of her books that I read was “And Then There Were None,” one of her most famous and mind-bending mysteries. After trying to guess whodunit and being COMPLETELY wrong, I decided to take on EVERY SINGLE BOOK AGATHA CHRISTIE HAD EVER WRITTEN and prove (to whom?) that I was completely clever enough to guess the murderer. And guess what?
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