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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Keeli McKern.

The Impact of Marvel Studios

Tasha Hall, Campus Life Reporter October 20, 2022

Ask any fan of superhero movies for a recommendation, and they’ll probably direct you to a film by Marvel Studios, which has released more than 29 films since 2008 and eight television series since...

Review: “The LEGO Batman Movie”

Eric Anderson, A&E Editor February 16, 2017

The zany, self-referential and ridiculous antics of the Dark Knight’s LEGO equivalent continue in Warner Animation Group’s new animated feature, “The LEGO Batman Movie,” a spin-off of the 2014...

The 89th Academy Awards: Another year of gains and snubs

Eric Anderson, A&E Editor January 26, 2017

The official nominations for the 89th Academy Awards ceremony were announced on Tuesday, Jan. 24, and, much in the vein of past ceremonies, featured some welcome improvements from years past while also...

“Amanda Knox” a raw look at the media

Missy Gerlach, Staff Reporter October 9, 2016

This past week, I attended a meeting for students planning to study abroad. Around 20 students and myself anxiously sat together, waiting for the speaker talk us through the process of choosing and applying...

Photo by Tywen Kelly

Recapping the Summer Movie Season

Eric Anderson, A&E Editor September 8, 2016

More than any other summer in recent memory, the current summer season has proved deeply troubling for the state of the film industry, in regards to the quality of films, the kinds of films that...

Hong-Sang Soo’s filmmaker fetish

Vincent Warne March 29, 2015

As is any self-respecting art form in the modern and post-modern era, film is often a self-reflexive medium. Whether it be in canonized classics like "Man with a Movie Camera" and "8 ½", arthouse fare...

Lav Goes Long

Vincent Warne February 25, 2015

It's been a while since I last posted, but that's because I've been watching a lot of movies. Long movies. I've watched bunch of long movies this year overall, from the intimate 3-hour opus "Yi Yi",...

The survival guide for upcoming Springtime movies

Nathan Fisher January 29, 2015

As I start my last semester at Whitman, the terror of the fast approaching real world is looming.  I'm starting to be expected to have answers for questions such as, "What do you want to do?" or "What...

The Awesome Mind Puzzles of Alain Robbe-Grillet

Vincent Warne October 27, 2014

I've been watching the films of Alain Robbe-Grillet lately. He's best-known as the writer of Alain Resnais's "Last Year at Marienbad" but after "Marienbad" he went on to write and direct quite a few...

“You Murdered the Future”: A David Cronenberg Double Feature

Vincent Warne October 10, 2014

The Criterion Collection recently added two David Cronenberg films to Hulu Plus: "Scanners" and "The Brood". I've been in intrigued by Cronenberg for a while, but I've only seen a couple of his movies...

Stranger than Paradise: The “Cool” Cinema of Jim Jarmusch

Vincent Warne September 28, 2014

Welcome to "Lights, Camera, I Like Movies!" As you may be able to tell from the title, this is going to be a blog about movies. But not just any movies. I'm going to mostly write about films that are foreign,...

Staff, Faculty Share Favorite Films

Staff, Faculty Share Favorite Films

Nathan Fisher April 17, 2014
I took the bold step of seeking out a handful of Whitman intellectuals to see what movies they enjoyed and why.
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