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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Kaitie Dong ‘18 on advocacy, organizing and centering marginalized voices

Apichaya Jiracharoenying, Podcast Reporter April 14, 2022

On this week’s episode of the Whitman Wire Podcast, reporter Apichaya Jiracharoenying spoke with Kaitie Dong '18 to learn about her work with OneAmerica, an immigrant and refugee advocacy organization....

Contributed Photo by Makenna Stone '20.

Whitman athlete alumni find success in sport after graduation

Naia Willemsen, Campus Life Reporter March 3, 2022

Most people who play sports in high school don’t play sports in college, and most people who play sports in college don’t go on to play further sports. However, some former Blues go on to play professional...

CCEC offers new opportunities for students

Jaime Fields, Campus Life Editor November 11, 2021

Last week, The Wire covered the recent generous donation to the Career and Community Engagement Center, as well as its clarifying name change. This week, we’re shining the spotlight on the Fellowships...

SEC changes name and receives generous donation

SEC changes name and receives generous donation

Abby Malzewski, News Editor November 4, 2021

The rebranding of the Student Engagement Center, commonly referred to as the SEC, was announced on Thursday, Oct. 21, in a Whitman Today message titled “Introducing the Career and Community Engagement...

Senior playing hard to get with post-grad employers

Cade Schott, Journalist and not really sure how to make rice March 11, 2021

As their time at Whitman comes to a close, seniors are preparing their next steps. Many are in the midst of submitting dozens of job applications, trying to crack the stingy post-pandemic job market. However,...

Grad school: Now or later?

Maren Schiffer May 16, 2011
Many seniors are considering graduate school as the next step in their lives -- for many the big decision is whether or not to go right away.
Illustration Credit: Binta Loos-Diallo

From thesis to beyond

Patricia Vanderbilt May 16, 2011
The senior thesis, required by most majors, is an arduous culmination of the Whitman education-- one final push towards the commencement cap and gown. Some might hand in their thesis and never think about it again. But for other seniors, the thesis becomes more than just a space-filler in the Allen Reading Room.
Whitties take on world one service organization at a time

Whitties take on world one service organization at a time

Kelsey Kennedy May 16, 2011
The class of 2011 will disperse to locations across the country and the globe after the graduation ceremonies come to a close on May 22, but a passion for public service remains a common thread in many seniors' after-Whitman plans.

Life after Whitman

Cara Lowry May 16, 2011
This week the Pio looks at the myriad of opportunities that await Whitties after graduation.
Photo Credit: Brandon Fennell

Students gain marketable skillsets from activities both obvious, unexpected

Hanna Kahl May 16, 2011
All that time spent on Facebook isn't actually a waste. According to Susan Buchanan, director of the Student Engagement Center, many companies are looking for students who have proficient knowledge of how to use online social networks.

Phi Beta Kappa offers employment, networking opportunities

Cara Lowry May 16, 2011
This semester, 37 Whitties have been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, joining the likes of Henry Kissinger, Mark Twain, Glen Close, Tom Brokaw, Helen Keller and Peyton Manning, not to mention 17 U.S. presidents, 38 U.S. supreme court justices and 136 Nobel laureates. While election is prestigious and selective, many students are unaware of the organization's existence, let alone the advantages of membership, before being chosen to join.
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