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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Jonah Rosen-Bloom

How to recreate Burning Man 2023 in your dorm room

George Groebner, knee-deep in mud September 21, 2023

Every Whitman student knows the feeling: hardly have a few lectures gone by than the urge grips you to pack a week’s worth of supplies and hightail it to the middle of nowhere Nevada. You console...

Whitman announces new, worse housing to make the rest seem better

Ian Lewis, unsure if North counts as off-campus housing March 2, 2023

In what comes as a disappointment to supporters of living in places that are nice, Whitman Residence Life has announced that, rather than attempt to address concerns about current present housing options,...

Illustration by Lily Buller.

Resident to resident director: An interview with Ananda Gupta

Shara Carranza, Podcast Reporter March 3, 2022

On this week’s episode of the Whitman Wire Podcast, reporter Shara Carranza-Ornelas spoke with Ananda Gupta, Stanton’s Resident Director (RD) to find out more about his position and dive into the...

The Nail Clipper: Origins

Carmel Stephan, Bona Fide journalist September 30, 2021

In the dead of night, as the last raven has settled from its flight, they lurk out of sight: The Nail Clipper. Climbing up brick and ivy, through your window they come sliding. Taking off your slippers...

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