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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Clinton Family Christmas Wish List

Megumi Rierson, Humor Writer December 1, 2016

The Clintons have seen better days. In the wake of a momentous election and the slow drip of appointments straight from the basket of deplorables, the holidays are bound to be more tense than they were...

Nate Silver Seeks Foreign Asylum

Megumi Rierson, Humor Writer November 17, 2016

Nate Silver, the man who was right about everything until he wasn’t, is reportedly seeking foreign asylum after angry mobs of Subaru Foresters arrived at his house to protest the rigged election results...

Whitman Discusses Immigration Policies

Whitman Discusses Immigration Policies

Elizabeth Friedman, Staff Reporter November 3, 2016
On Monday Oct. 26, Wendy Hernandez, a local immigration lawyer, came to talk to the Borders as Methods group on campus. With Associate Dean for Intercultural Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer Kazi Joshua acting as facilitator, an hour-long discussion on immigration was held. With this election containing some of the most polarizing and unpopular nominees in history, their stances on immigration were analyzed by the impact they would have locally.
Illustration by Eric Rannestad

This Week in Reality TV: Presidential Debate!

James Leroux, staff writer October 5, 2016

This past Monday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, the first of the 2016 Presidential Debates was broadcasted to 84 million people, setting a new record for viewership in presidential debate...

Students prepare for presidential primaries

February 18, 2016
While the most vocal Whitman students feel the Bern when it comes to their president of choice, Whitman students are backing many different candidates this presidential season.
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