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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Ghostbusted! Paranormal sightings actually just Classics professor

Ghostbusted! Paranormal sightings actually just Classics professor

Ian Lewis, President and Founder of the Whitman Wire September 15, 2022

In a blow to amateur ghostbusters across campus, the so-called “Olin Specter” has been discovered to merely be Herbert Greene, an associate professor and longtime member of Whitman’s Classics...

Photo contributed by Wake Forest University.

Judd D. Kimball Lecture in Classics series wraps up for the semester

Grace Jackson, News Reporter December 2, 2021

On Nov. 16, Wake Forest University Professor of Interdisciplinary Humanities Eric Ashley Hairston gave the concluding lecture for the 2021 Judd D. Kimball lecture series in transforming classics. His lecture...

Caitlyn Yoshina, class of 2014, teaches a mock lesson

Alumni Share Advice On Teaching In The Humanities

Kylin Brown, Staff Reporter September 28, 2018

On Monday night, the Whitman Classics department hosted the “Symposium on Study in the Humanities as Preparation for a Career in Teaching." The department brought three graduates from varying Humanities...

Illustration: Emily Johnson

Eta Sigma Phi to publicize interest in ancient languages, connect students nationally

Rose Woodbury December 8, 2011
Junior Classics majors, Kate Kight and Mariah Lapiroff decided to bring a national Classics Honors Society, Eta Sigma Phi, to bring more awareness of the Classics major on campus.
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