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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

illustration by Jonah Rosen-Bloom

First-years bewildered by ringing noises after assuming clock tower was decorative

George Groebner, visibly shaken September 14, 2023

As the class of 2027 settles into their dorms and begins to adjust to college life, one mysterious occurrence is leaving them unsettled: a low, ominous ringing sound, reverberating through campus several...

Illustration by Payton Davies.

Class of 2027: by the numbers

Grace Canny, class of 2016, oh what a year April 27, 2023

Whitman College wants to extend the warmest welcome to our newly arrived Class of 2027. These students have earned their admission to our fantastic college by being exceptional students and even more...

Incoming athletes reveal why they chose Whitman

Sam Patterson, Campus Life Reporter March 9, 2023

A new generation of athletes is preparing for a career in Whitman sports. High school seniors from far and wide have committed to compete as a Whittie; they are set to begin their journey next fall. The...

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