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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Nick Rogers.

CDC PSA: Do not use COVID-19 vaccines as throwing darts

Conor Bartol, Mac and Cheese Decryer March 25, 2021

The CDC has issued new vaccination guidelines following the hospitalization of a man known only as “Triple Threat” MacGyver. MacGyver apparently painted a target on his back and instructed doctors...

Four Day isn’t the break we deserve

Dana Walden, Opinion Editor October 8, 2020

 I am — quite literally — the only person I know who did not have an exam, paper or project due at the end of Four Day. Even then, I was still working my ass off; like many students, I have several...

Immigration during the pandemic

Claire Maurer, Columnist April 29, 2020

Since the coronavirus has spread worldwide, border closures and strict lockdowns have led to a steep decline in migrants coming to the United States from Central America. Our immigration system is backed...

Illustration by Anika Vučićević

Six things to do again because you have no choice!

AQ, Home-Dweller Extraordinaire April 9, 2020

Hi y’all. I thought I would make a little listicle for you to use as a tool as we navigate these weird times at home! While social distancing, let’s look at six things to do again because you have...

Illustration by Anika Vučićević

Don’t do drugs, kids

Mat Chapin, Columnist October 24, 2019

Like it or not, students try drugs. For lots of teenagers, it seems like a natural part of growing up. You start drinking, maybe you smoke a little weed, then one of your friends offers you something stronger....

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