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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Salcedo, 5 from right, poses here with students at the Glover Alston Center. Salcedo has received numerous awards for her work, notably the West Coast Liberty Award, James Earl Hardy Legends Award, and the Women in Leadership Award, among with others.

Internationally Renowned Trans-Activist Bamby Salcedo Visits Campus

Kate Grumbles, News Reporter April 9, 2018

Bamby Salcedo, nationally recognized activist for trans issues, spoke at Whitman on April 6 to a small group in the Glover Alston Center. The crowd of Whitman students and community members sat in circle...

Photo by Caroline Ashford Arya

Students Assemble for Change

Kate Grumbles, News Editor October 30, 2017

This past Saturday, October 28, Whitman hosted the first ever Change Now conference for students of color and underrepresented student groups in the Pacific Northwest. The conference lasted from 8:00...

Cassandra Otero Wins Governor’s Award

Kate Grumbles, Staff Reporter May 4, 2017

Whitman Junior Cassandra Otero was recently honored with the Students Serving Washington Award as well as the Governor’s Award through the Campus Compact Washington organization. Campus Compact,...

Photo by Mitchell Smith.

“Jornaleros” shown in Walla Walla

Kate Grumbles, Staff Reporter February 2, 2017

Voz Worker’s Rights Organization came to Walla Walla last Saturday to show their documentary “Jornaleros,” which showcased the lives of day laborers in Portland. This event was hosted and organized...

Whitman Discusses Immigration Policies

Whitman Discusses Immigration Policies

Elizabeth Friedman, Staff Reporter November 3, 2016
On Monday Oct. 26, Wendy Hernandez, a local immigration lawyer, came to talk to the Borders as Methods group on campus. With Associate Dean for Intercultural Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer Kazi Joshua acting as facilitator, an hour-long discussion on immigration was held. With this election containing some of the most polarizing and unpopular nominees in history, their stances on immigration were analyzed by the impact they would have locally.

Working group considers “The Missionaries” with community survey

Ellen Ivens-Duran February 18, 2016
Whitman's mascot working group recently sent out a survey to approximately 19,000 people soliciting feedback about the "Missionary".
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