Every week, The Pioneer searches out Whitties who bring an extra splash of fashion consciousness and sartorial daring to campus. This week’s Style Spotlight: Senior politics major Nanyonjo Mukungu.

Style Soundbites
“My vest: my friend got for me a couple Thanksgivings ago. She went shopping and was like, ‘Oh, that’s totally Nan!’ My earring is actually my housemate’s. She makes other earrings that are singular; I kind of stole the idea from her, just to wear one earring around, but she pulls it off a lot better than I do. My hat: I got it at a consignment store in North Carolina; it was like four bucks. My glasses, I got from this online store called Zenni Optical; they were only eight bucks. I really like Harry Potter, so I wanted glasses like him that were clear. My brother gave [my socks] to me for Christmas. I love socks, and this is, like, the best present I’ve ever gotten. They have happy faces, and I just love wool socks.”
“I guess I just start off with one thing that I really want to wear, and then I build around it. I look at fashion blogs, and I have like 450 pictures now, pictures that I saved from looking at fashion blogs in the past. Lately they haven’t really been inspiring me, so sometimes now I just pick something, like, ‘Hmm . . . how about that?’ and find whatever’s in my closet.”
“I feel like my fashion style has a lot of different influences, but I guess, as generic as this sounds, Urban Outfitters is one of the main ones. When I was younger, I would look at Urban Outfitters catalogs. But I still can’t really afford, like, anything in the catalogs, so I would try to find something that was as close as possible to match it. All of my housemates are into J.Crew, so I get inspired from them and like borrow their clothes. I’m also super into punk style. It’s hard to put a label on my style. I get most of my clothes from thrift stores, especially the Goodwill here. I also get a lot of stuff from the Urban sales rack.”
“My philosophy is just wear whatever I want and not really care what people think. Just whatever makes you enjoy yourself.”