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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Carnival Extravaganza Celebrates Class of 2024

Holly VanVoorhis, Campus Life Reporter April 4, 2024

Last Friday, as the weather warmed up and students took to grassy lawns throughout campus, the Whitman Events Board threw their first Commencement Carnival. The carnival marked fifty days until the class...

Día de los Muertos Festivities Commence in Walla Walla

Holly VanVoorhis, Campus Life Reporter November 2, 2023

Leaves fall to the ground in vibrant flurries of red, yellow and orange as October comes to a close. Fall festivities, however, are just getting started as various groups on and off campus prepare for...

Photo contributed by Pedro Lizardi

Tits out at Cordiner for Rocky Horror Picture Show

Shira Nudler, Campus Life Reporter November 2, 2023

For one October night only, students had the opportunity to watch the cult classic “Rocky Horror Picture Show” live and in the flesh. On the 28th, Cordiner Hall became a space for students to let...

What’s in a Name? The Nomenclature of Off-Campus Houses

Holly VanVoorhis, Campus Life Reporter October 5, 2023

Whitman’s off-campus houses don titles like “The Garden” or “The Airport” because of the student initiative to label where they call home. Anyone driving down Isaacs may be familiar with a constant...

Illustration by M Hu.

Casino Prom wins big

Amelia Leach, Campus Life Reporter April 27, 2023

With the hard work of the Whitman Events Board (WEB) and the enthusiasm of the student body, Casino Prom, the extravagant culmination of spirit week, hit the jackpot.  Sophomore Shantényka Thompson,...

Wire Watch Apr. 30-May 6

Wire Watch Apr. 30-May 6

Gillian Mackay-Brown, Managing Editor April 27, 2023

Ongoing   Senior Art Gallery Open during gallery hours, Sheehan Gallery in Olin Hall Our senior art majors have been working tirelessly on their theses all year. This gallery displays the...

Illustration by Kai Bowen.

The wonderful world of WEB events

Alexa Grechishkin, Campus Life Reporter April 21, 2022

Earlier this month, students settled into the basement of Reid, lounging on the couches and chatting amongst themselves until the lights were dimmed, leaving the audience in quiet anticipation. The...

Illustration by Claire Revere

Alcohol at Whitman: Blues and Booze

Katharine Gillen and Olivia Gilbert November 10, 2016

Ever dreamed of grabbing a beer with a professor or fellow student after class at a convenient on-campus location? Although it’s not yet possible, seniors Mitchell Cutter and Spencer Mueller seek to...

Comedian Andy Hendrickson performs at Reid Campus Center

Missy Gerlach, Staff Writer October 27, 2016

The basement of Reid Campus Center is undoubtedly a change of scene for a comedian that made his career in New York City and currently lives in Los Angeles. Despite the different crowd, visiting comic...

Whitman Events Board Shapes Student Programming

Georgia Lyon March 10, 2016
Whitman Events Board (WEB) is the student-run group in charge of programming on campus.

The Pio talks gaming, genres with Robert DeLong

Megan Hearst and Martina Pansze February 14, 2016
The Pioneer sits down with EDM artist Robert DeLong. DeLong was brought to perform at Whitman on Feb. 11th by Whitman Events Board along with openers Chrome Sparks and Colours. His newest album “In the Cards” was released last September.

Immigration Week Seeks to Educate, Inspire Action

Helen Angell April 17, 2014
An estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States. Current immigration policies criminalize these individuals, and at least 2 million deportations have taken place since Obama took office in 2008. Activists across the nation are taking action to stop these detentions, deportations and the suffering they cause and to create a more just immigration system that acknowledges the humanity of undocumented immigrants. Whitman students are joining in this conversation and action by putting on a campus-wide Immigration Week from April 14- April 18.
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