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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Madeleine Stolp.

Subverting sexpectations

Zoe Schacter-Brodie, Feature Editor April 21, 2022

Note: All of the names used in this article are pseudonyms. “You’d like to stay anonymous, right?” I’m perched on the edge of Rachel Sommer’s desk, tucked into the inner room of a divided...

Virgins Are Immoral

Virgins Are Immoral

Kyle Seasly March 28, 2013
If you're not having sex, you're not doing your part to move society forward.
Ugly, Awkward Virgins Deserve Sympathy, Not Ridicule

Ugly, Awkward Virgins Deserve Sympathy, Not Ridicule

Spencer Wharton March 28, 2013
Societal factors are holding virgins back, and we are wrong to persecute them individually.

‘American Reunion’––Levy not dry, good old boys regrettably so

Nathan Fisher April 12, 2012
The pickings were slim, and I mean slim, at the movie theatre this weekend. "American Reunion" got the nod because of my raunchy memories of the "American Pie" franchise.
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