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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Payton Davies

Baltimore Bridge Collapse Sparks Local Conversation About Bridge Safety

Oliver Kaufman, News Reporter April 11, 2024

On March 26, the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland collapsed after a cargo ship collided with an essential pylon. Six workers who were filling potholes on the bridge were killed in the collapse....

Kaia Schweig getting around on her unicycle. Photos by Michael Lans

Scootin’ through campus: Students get around on funky wheels

Emma Foley, Feature Reporter February 20, 2020

During October break of his first semester, junior Ethan Treadwell made a purchase some might call unusual for a college student. “I bought a purple, light-up-wheel Razor scooter,” Treadwell said....

Illustration by Elena Kaminskaia

Washington State loses transportation funding with passage of I-976

Bhavesh Gulrajani, News Reporter December 3, 2019

I-976, short for Initiative Measure No. 976, is a ballot initiative that was written by anti-tax activist Tim Eyman. Eyman is widely regarded as a frequent initiative-filer of anti-tax measures. Tangentially,...

The man who brought us Uber

Katharine Gillen October 11, 2016

Now, I’m from just outside NYC, so when I was assigned an article about Uber in Walla Walla, Washington, I was a tad skeptical. Uber? In Walla Walla? I’ve called Uber’s to the bustling streets of...

Walla Walla Airport Announces Spring Break Schedule Change

Emily Lin-Jones February 28, 2013
Beginning March 10, Alaska Airlines flights departing from Walla Walla Airport in the morning will leave at 6:25 a.m. instead of 6:50 a.m. The change will likely impact the travel arrangements of students traveling home for spring break. Daily evening flights will also be arriving earlier, at 8:24 a.m. instead of 8:50 a.m.
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