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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo by Nathaniel Martin.

Professor of Music Michael Simon releases rock EP chronicling pandemic isolation

Mo Dow, A&E Reporter March 25, 2021

As part of the masters program at Berklee College of Music, Whitman's senior adjunct professor of music Michael Simon released an EP (mini-album) this month. The EP, "Social Distancing: Four Songs of...

Whitman Climbing Center to reopen its doors to students

Charlotte Elliott, Sports Editor October 5, 2020

The Whitman Climbing Center will be opening to students with new safety guidelines. The center will have a limited capacity of 20 individuals, including staff, all of whom must be cleared to be on campus....

Photos by Annie Means

Arts from afar

Jaime Fields, A&E Reporter April 16, 2020

Whitman College, like many other colleges around the world, is facing a lot of difficulties right now. In times of confusion and chaos, people often gravitate towards the arts to give them a sense of community...

Illustration by Anika Vučićević

32 ways to be productive during a Zoom “class” with your camera and mic off

AE, Creature April 14, 2020

Watch seasons one through six of "Sex and the City." Watch the first "Sex and the City" movie. But don’t watch the second "Sex and the City" movie!! Manically disinfect all of your door...

Photos by Dana Kendrick

Whitman professors adapt to online learning

Grace Jackson, Staff Reporter April 10, 2020

The faculty and staff of Whitman College spent spring break preparing for the transition to online learning forced by the global outbreak of COVID-19. One of the core features of Whitman and other liberal...

Students contend with the impact of coronavirus in daily life

Emma Fletcher-Frazer, News Editor April 2, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically altered the lives of Whitman students. The majority of buildings on campus have shut down and Washington state residents have been ordered to stay home. As a result,...

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