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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLV, Issue 4
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Lily Collins treks Paris in platforms: A review

Carmel Stephan, désolée, parlez vous Anglais? February 2, 2023

As tends to happen over winter break when my days are filled to the brim with tedium and gray skies, I devoured television shows like advent calendar chocolates. One of these show was (évidemment!) Emily...

Illustration by Anika Vučićević

32 ways to be productive during a Zoom “class” with your camera and mic off

AE, Creature April 14, 2020

Watch seasons one through six of "Sex and the City." Watch the first "Sex and the City" movie. But don’t watch the second "Sex and the City" movie!! Manically disinfect all of your door...

Find Pride In Your Guilty Pleasures

Find Pride In Your Guilty Pleasures

Nathan Fisher October 23, 2013
Everyone has one yet no one likes to admit it. Guilty pleasures are great but why do we feel an intense amount of shame when admitting them?
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