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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLV, Issue 4
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

School district meets standard quota of one creepy teacher

Ann Karneus, Recovering Candy Crush Addict October 3, 2019

Late last week, Barry Crendshaw was selected by the Fairfield, Iowa, school board to fill the highly anticipated creep-in-residence position.  As a cultural and institutional staple of the American...

Embracing the Unexpected

Peggy Li, Columnist April 14, 2016
We like to think, as people, that we have a great degree of control over our lives.

Snapchat Epidemic Annoyingly Persists

Ben Freedman, humor editor February 4, 2016

There is an epidemic spreading across the Whitman campus, and it shows no signs of decline. I’m talking of course, about Snapchatting. According to a recent poll, eight out of ten Whitman students admit...

Illustration by Hernandez

Poor school bathroom sanitation an obstacle to educating Indian girls

Hillary Smith October 23, 2014
Amid the international movement to provide more girls with education, unclean bathrooms seem like a particularly unnecessary and sad deterrent.
SFER Club Spreads the Word about Education on Campus

SFER Club Spreads the Word about Education on Campus

Josephine Adamski April 24, 2014
Students For Education Reform has had success bringing awareness to local education reform issues and educational reform as a whole on campus. Among their most recent projects was their first annual book drive, where they collected 438 books to donate to families and children in Walla Walla.
New Bond Measure Brings New Hope for Walla Walla High School

New Bond Measure Brings New Hope for Walla Walla High School

Daniel Kim March 13, 2014
In April, citizens of Walla Walla will be voting on a new bond to renovate aging Walla Walla High School. It was created in response to the rejection of a previous bond to update the school last spring.

Knowledge is Power is Freedom

Sayda Morales February 15, 2013
I went to high school with Gossip Girl, and as the series suggests, she also made my life quite difficult. Nestled comfortably in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the Nightingale-Bamford School, costing almost as much as a Whitman education, loomed over me five days a week for four years.

Technology can help with dropping achievement gap

Alfredo Villaseñor November 10, 2011
It's not uncommon to find unflattering statistics about our nation's educational achievements; while countries like Finland and China are getting ahead in math and science, our average SAT reading scores have dropped to a record low, and high school dropout rates teeter around 50 percent in many of our major cities. It's quite the stark contrast to a few decades ago, when the United States was at the pinnacle of achievement in math and sciences and the most powerful industrialized country in the world—and it should prompt us to ask what has gone wrong since our country's golden age of education.

Catchin’ Up

Spencer Wharton October 9, 2011

I haven't posted for a couple of weeks. My bad. It hasn't been for a lack of content: there are always tons of stories to tell: but rather a lack of time. Last week was especially stressful, and I'll try...

Rainy days in Kyoto

Spencer Wharton September 20, 2011

  Today, it rained. We've had a couple days of rain before, but mostly of the drizzle and sprinkle varieties. Today, it was rain all day; big, heavy drops dripping down from a uniformly gray...

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