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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman announces new, worse housing to make the rest seem better

Ian Lewis, unsure if North counts as off-campus housing March 2, 2023

In what comes as a disappointment to supporters of living in places that are nice, Whitman Residence Life has announced that, rather than attempt to address concerns about current present housing options,...

North Hall still exists, apparently

Ian Lewis, resident resident November 10, 2022

To the shock of the entire Whitman community, The Wire can now confirm, after months of diligent research, that it appears that North Hall still exists. Despite Whitman sources being “pretty sure”...

Infographic by Spencer Light.

Class of 2019 Smallest in Recent Times

Georgia Lyon September 17, 2015
Whitman’s class of 2019 is smaller than expected because the yield from the main applicant and waitlist pools was lower than anticipated. The group of 364 first-years and 17 transfers fell well short of both the goals and expectations of the Office of Admissions given past trends, resulting in more space in residence halls this year.

Comprehensive guide to campus housing options

Mallory Martin March 13, 2012
With on-campus housing deadlines looming after spring break, A&E reporter Mallory Martin has prepared a comprehensive guide to help you through the jungle of housing options.
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