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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Sylvie Corwin

Sororities Reconsider Recruitment

Emma Fletcher-Frazer, Staff Reporter September 24, 2018

Whitman sororities had one of the lowest quotas for incoming pledge classes ever this year, dipping from 24 to 11 people. The recruitment process for the sororities at Whitman occurred earlier this...

Photo by Samarah Uribe Mendez

Greek Life Attracts Fewer New Members

Tywen Kelly, Publisher September 27, 2017

Sororities and fraternities this year both experienced a low turnout for recruitment and rush, resulting in smaller pledges classes all around. The fraternities received a total of 53 pledges, notably...

Letter encourages first years to hold back on fall recruitment

Letter encourages first years to hold back on fall recruitment

Christy Carley, News Editor September 15, 2016

It was the summer of ‘69 when all incoming students of Whitman College last received a letter encouraging them to refrain from participating in fall Greek organization recruitment. This past  Friday,...

Ritualistic elitism rings in new year

Megumi Rierson, staff writer September 15, 2016

Recruitment season is upon us, which means the annual battle of the elitists commences in full swing. Every year around this time, Whitman students bunch their collective panties and prepare themselves...

Betas consider future of housing

Lane Barton October 3, 2014

With the conclusion of the 2014 fall recruitment cycle, all Greek life institutions will be winding down from a flurry of activities and welcoming new members to their ranks. But members of the Beta Theta...

Despite pressure, rush provides new avenues for growth

Kamna Shastri October 3, 2014

From the third-story window of Prentiss Hall on Sept. 21, I can hear a rush of energy as women move out the main door into the grassy courtyard. Their voices carry loud and clear, gushing with excitement....

Alpha Phi finalizes bids, selective about members

Allison Work October 13, 2011
With the colonization of an Alpha Phi women's fraternity chapter on the Whitman campus this fall, Greek life is changing.
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