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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLV, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Amelia Ebling.

What Whitman looks like at night

Bhavesh Gulrajani, Campus Life Reporter September 22, 2022

Whitman at night can include dark streets, loud cars and chilly winds. They can also be quiet and warm if you’re snuggled up inside. If you are outside and walking around on campus late at night, you...

Anderson under quarantine: Tracing the campus’ first major outbreak

Alasdair Padman, Sean Gannon, and Emma Fletcher-Frazer February 13, 2021

On Wednesday, Feb. 10, the Whitman community received an urgent email from Peter Harvey, Chair of the Coronavirus Task Force: Anderson Hall had been put under quarantine after they detected nine positive...

Photos by Annie Means

Living in the dorms during a pandemic

Rosa Woolsey, News Reporter April 30, 2020

When the Memorial Building clock tower strikes noon, the once bustling flow of students to Cleveland Commons for the lunchtime rush has now subsided to just a handful. While the days grow warmer and longer...

Whitman Wonderland: Students learn, grow over winter break

Whitman Wonderland: Students learn, grow over winter break

Alissa Antilla, Feature Writer January 26, 2017

Over winter break Whitman activity is at a standstill, the campus eerily empty and waiting to reconvene with the Whitties that inhabit it. Starting in early January, students start trickling back in and...

Illustration by Haley King

Resident Assistant Training

Andy Monserud, Investigative Director December 7, 2016

A lot is expected of Resident Assistants (RAs) at Whitman. They are confidants, leaders, and enforcers to their residents. To cope with these various pressures, the Residence Life office holds a ten-day...

Letter to the Editor: Response to ‘Residence Life Shuts Down Camp Whitman’

February 13, 2014
I wanted to express my thoughts about the article published entitled "Residence Life Shuts Down Camp Whitman," published in a recent edition of The Pio. While I understand it is unfortunate that underclassmen will find it more difficult to stay through commencement, I believe that this article does not fairly address the issue. I feel that the article was particularly shortsighted when it comes to why the decision was made to close the halls earlier than in previous years. I was a resident assistant in a first-year hall, so I experienced the logistics behind Camp Whitman first hand. ResLife's first priority is always the safety and well-being of all residents, which become real concerns once students are given a week of downtime at the end of the semester. Instances of disruptive behavior during Camp Whitman have become significantly more prevalent over the past couple of years, and these instances become safety issues not only for those involved in the behavior, but also for those around them. Many students must travel home during this period and need to be well rested to do so safely.
Illustration: Alex Bailey

Money a secondary concern when applying to be an RA

Rose Woodbury November 10, 2011
This year, 75 students applied to be RAs, a higher number than the usual 60-65 applicants. Resident Assistants get free room and board, but most students don't seem to be applying for the position primarily for the financial benefits.

‘Lady RA RA’ brings excitement to RA applications

Molly Johanson October 14, 2010
Resident Assistant applications are due soon. There have been slight changes to the application since last year.
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