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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Captured by Caroline Arya

New Sophomore Dorm to be Completed Fall ’18

Adam Rooney, Staff Reporter September 18, 2017

By this time next year, two new buildings will be completed on the southern side of Whitman’s campus: a residence hall for sophomores and a large dining hall. The new sophomore residence hall...

Architects display design plans for proposed construction

Ellen Ivens-Duran, News Writer September 24, 2015
Models and designs for the proposed construction of a new sophomore residence hall, junior/senior housing and dining hall, were on display in Reid Campus Center on Thursday, Sep. 19. Architects from ZGF and Hacker, formerly THA, the two firms chosen by Whitman to present proposals, were also present to explain the plans to students, staff and faculty.

New Dining Hall, Sophomore Residence Hall, and Upperclassmen Apartments in the Works

Ellen Ivens-Duran and Sarah Cornett September 10, 2015
A new dining hall, sophomore residence hall, and apartments for juniors and seniors could be new campus facilities as early as the fall of 2017, if a project titled the Living at Whitman Initiative is approved by college’s trustees and overseers in November.

Dining Halls Divide Students

Ben Caldwell May 8, 2014

The debate about which dining hall is best is always on, particularly among first-years on campus. It's not uncommon to hear arguments around campus about which dining halls have the best food, best seating,...

Political Cartoon by Asa Mease

Political Cartoon

Julie Peterson February 14, 2013

Dishwashing problem pushes Prentiss Dining Hall to paper products for week

Emily Lin-Jones October 11, 2012
A water heating malfunction forced Prentiss Dining Hall to replace their standard reusable tableware with disposable plates, bowls, cups and utensils for 10 days. Though the issue appears to have been at least temporarily resolved as of Oct. 11, and plastic plates have been restored to their place in the dining hall, maintenance workers and dining hall management are still working to identify the root of the problem.
Credit: Allie Felt

Green Leaders Program stages No-Waste November

Molly Johanson November 17, 2011
As students lined up to put their dirty dishes in the dish room at Prentiss dining hall earlier this month, they were faced with one more extra step—scraping their excess food waste into a large bin, which was being managed by two encouraging green leaders. The first two weekends of November, the food conservation break-out group of the Green Leaders program, staged a collection of students' personal food waste, calling it “No-Waste November."
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