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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Unrealized Gain of $74,000 from ASWC Investments

Oliver Kaufman, News Reporter November 9, 2023

In 2018, the Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC)’s senate invested roughly $700,000. About 20% of that went into TIAA-CREF, a bond fund, while the other approximately 80% went into Trillium...

Best practices for capitalizing off your student body

Best practices for capitalizing off your student body

Rachel Husband, Humor Writer May 4, 2023

Back in August of 2002, on the day of my birth, Whitman College gave me my first diploma (second one currently in progress). It reads, “To Rachel Husband. Diploma of good health and lifelong learning.”...

Illustration by Eli Rodriguez.

Whitties start betting on which hall will be quarantined next

Conor Bartol, Oatmeal Enthusiast February 25, 2021

Following last week’s quarantine of Anderson Hall, some enterprising Whitman students have attempted to turn a profit by creating an underground gambling ring based on residence hall lockdowns. The...

Time makes 'Dumb and Dumber To' the dumbest sequel

Time makes ‘Dumb and Dumber To’ the dumbest sequel

Nathan Fisher November 20, 2014
Time was a big factor hindering the movie. By waiting so many years to make a sequel, filmmakers lose the original audiences.
Whitman College President George Bridges to Step Down Following End of Now is the Time Campaign

Whitman College President George Bridges to Step Down Following End of Now is the Time Campaign

Josephine Adamski March 13, 2014
Bridges' retirement marks increased student and faculty diversity, improved academic programs by adding more experiential learning opportunities, and raised national visibility for the college.
Artists' Politics Don't Define Their Own Work

Artists’ Politics Don’t Define Their Own Work

Andy Monserud November 21, 2013
A couple of weeks ago, I watched a film that I have wanted to see for a long time. Ever since I read "Ender’s Game" for the first time in 2005, I always wished for a film version. Blissfully engrossed in a 10-year-old’s fantasy, I sat through the movie without a care in the world.
Illustration by Luke Hampton

Summer Movie Preview

Nathan Fisher May 2, 2013
The summer brings an action and laugh-filled movie list.
Extra Costs Leave ASWC Budget Tighter for Clubs

Extra Costs Leave ASWC Budget Tighter for Clubs

Shelly Le April 4, 2013
ASWC allocated a portion of the funds set aside in the preliminary budget to clubs who attended the appeals meeting on Wednesday, April 3.

‘Moneyball’ redefines America’s pastime

Nathan Fisher September 29, 2011
Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill star in a guts-and-glory dramatization about the man who changed the game of baseball from the ground up.

La Más Importante

kathynguyen August 31, 2011

It wouldn't be the last time that my mom would "save" me in anything. Although I am just a host daughter, I am still part of the family, and therefore it is very important that she helps me in most everything...

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