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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Cartoon: What I'm going to miss most

Cartoon: What I’m going to miss most

Luke Hampton May 15, 2014

Cartoon by MaryAnne Bowen.

NBA Should Have Dealt With Sterling Long Ago

NBA Should Have Dealt With Sterling Long Ago

Dylan Snyder May 8, 2014
Commissioner Adam Silver has given Donald Sterling, the maligned owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, a lifetime ban after his racist comments were made public. This is a rarely used punishment in the sporting world and only invoked in drastic circumstances. The majority of the viewing public however did not see this as an overreaction by Silver, but instead completely justified in its severity.
Whitman Hires New Environmental Historian Professor

Whitman Hires New Environmental Historian Professor

Josephine Adamski May 1, 2014
The history department has hired Jakobina Arch to fill a new tenure-track position as assistant professor of environmental history. Arch will be hired under the sabbatical replacement program to increase the size of permanent faculty instead of continuing to fill visiting professor spots.
Mix-'n-Match Jokes

Mix-‘n-Match Jokes

Melina Hughes May 1, 2014

Set-ups: Knock Knock A Whittie walks into the green... So, I was on the bus with my mom... What do you call an undercover duck? What do you call a man with no arms and no legs reading...

ASWC Referendum Process Offers Potential, Needs Refinement

ASWC Referendum Process Offers Potential, Needs Refinement

Dylan Tull April 24, 2014

Deep within Associated Students of Whitman College legislation, there is a bylaw that describes the process of "unique direct democracy power," or a process by which students can pass official...

Violence in Harry Potter Community Calls for Barrier between Fans, Stars

Violence in Harry Potter Community Calls for Barrier between Fans, Stars

Anuradha Lingappa April 17, 2014
Wizard rock is a genre of music generated by the fan culture surrounding the "Harry Potter" books. Since J.K. Rowling and the books themselves are so universally popular, many fans look closer to home to find new ways to channel their love for the series. Wizard rock songs are all about things that happen in the Harry Potter universe. As a genre, it has gone through many different incarnations, and its uniting theme is the content, not sound or quality. Though wizard rock fills a very specific niche, the fandom is big enough that it has a huge cult following and fan base of its own. There have also been spin-off bands playing music about "Doctor Who," "Lost" and the "Hunger Games." Only a handful of bands actually get known for their music, but famous wizard rockers have between several hundred thousand and over a million subscribers on YouTube and other forms of social media.
"Marky" Mark Whitman Tells All

“Marky” Mark Whitman Tells All

Melina Hughes April 10, 2014
Story time with Marcus "Markey" Whitman.
Challenging Power on Campus: A Pioneer Staff Member's Thoughts on Divestment and the Anti-Racism Movement

Challenging Power on Campus: A Pioneer Staff Member’s Thoughts on Divestment and the Anti-Racism Movement

Lachlan Johnson April 1, 2014
There are many serious issues facing the world, and those in power have shown little initiative in addressing them. It is increasingly clear that issues such as global warming, inequality and racism will require strong popular movements for progress to be made.
Cartoon: Gluten

Cartoon: Gluten

Luke Hampton April 1, 2014

  Cartoon by MaryAnne Bowen.

Reducing Black Actors to Limited Roles Reinforces Negative Stereotypes

Reducing Black Actors to Limited Roles Reinforces Negative Stereotypes

Alisha Agard March 13, 2014
I want to first start off by saying I am so happy to hear about the success films "12 Years a Slave" and "Django Unchained" have received lately. It is nice to see actors and actresses of color receiving recognition for their talents, and I am extremely proud.
#liberated: Tweets From a Well-Intentioned Feminist

#liberated: Tweets From a Well-Intentioned Feminist

Natalie Berg March 6, 2014
Check out my twitter feed about everything feminist @verbosefeminist. Let's empower women—even if gender doesn't actually exist since it's totally a societal construct. You can read about this in my thesis. #liberated
Three Tips for the Fashionable Feminist

Three Tips for the Fashionable Feminist

Tara McCulloch March 6, 2014
Ladies! Tired of fashion magazines' unattainable standards of beauty? We have the latest and greatest spring trends that will also help you smash the patriarchy.
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