Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The Pio regrets...

The Pio regrets…

Sara Rasmussen April 1, 2012

The year in mistakes, embarrassments, and misjudgments. The Pioneer staff regrets winning second- and third-place awards in web design and print design, respectively. You can't drink tequila out of...

Whitman administrator caught “red-dotting”

Kyle Seasly April 1, 2012

It's springtime and love is in the air. At least that's what a Whitman administrator kept shouting last weekend when she showed up to an all-campus party, followed by, "Let's do one more shot!" The...

The penises are coming!

Theo Pratt April 1, 2012
There is another production, very similar to “The Vagina Monologues,” that was written just a few months after Eve Ensler’s world-renowned piece. The year was 1996, and while Ensler and other women were worried about vaginas, men were also worried about penises.

Hipster of the week: Ethan Parrish ’14

The Editors April 1, 2012
The Pioneer searches out Whitties who bring an extra splash of sartorial daring to the campus. This week's Style Spotlight: sophomore Ethan Parrish.

KWCW Show of the Week: The Auto DJ

Sara Rasmussen April 1, 2012
Auto DJ is the chillest bro you'll ever meet. When he's on the airwaves, he lets the music speak, and it says, "Dude—this is hipster college radio at its finest."

The Pio’s really awesome corrections

Cara Lowry April 1, 2012
Corrections to Whitman College and Walla Walla.

Cool the Schools returns with new curriculum

Allison Bolgiano March 31, 2012
In late April, Whitman students will teach fourth and eighth graders about climate change in the fourth year of Cool the Schools, a program that gives Whitman students the opportunity to teach local elementary school students more about climate change.
Credit: David Jacobson

Athlete profile: Emilie and Katri Gilbert ’13 talk cross country, basketball

maddybell November 3, 2011
For junior cross country runners Emilie and Katri Gilbert, the shift from fall to winter sports seasons means running in two different directions: one onto the court and one into the stands.
Illustration: Emily Johnson

Sweets, Motherruckers represent alternative athletic culture

Pamela London November 3, 2011
Some of the most successful teams around campus share a similar trait: They do not call themselves the Whitman Missionaries.

FeMENism panel to expand face of FACE

Patricia Vanderbilt October 27, 2011
The term "feminism" is often associated with women and advocacy for women's causes. This definition, while not incorrect, is more exclusive than the members of Feminists Advocating Change and Empowerment, the feminist community on campus, would like to uphold.

Mr. Whitman profits using gender

Shelly Le October 27, 2011

Steeped in tradition, Kappa Kappa Gamma's Mr. Whitman fundraiser has been one of the most popular philanthropy events on campus for over 10 years. Every year, Kappa Kappa Gamma chooses eight senior men:...

Credit: Marie von Hafften

Author Anne Fadiman’s lecture adds perspective, wraps up first-year summer read program

Allison Work October 27, 2011

On Monday, Oct. 24, the Whitman community hosted visiting author Anne Fadiman in Cordiner Hall for a lecture, the culmination of the first-year summer read program. The talk was followed by a question-and-answer...

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