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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Gnome Population Surging in Walla Walla

Gnome Population Surging in Walla Walla

Ben Sherry, Looking for the Gnome that Stole my Third Sock March 6, 2025

The Walla Walla Ecological Survey has received reports of an unexpected incline of Gnome sightings within the city. How this happened has many researchers befuddled, but The Wire has gone out of its...

Mystery Solved: Professor revealed to be garden gnome

Maddie Ott, Ground Beef Donation February 24, 2019

In the beginning, there was the sense of suspicion. Dressed in an elaborate linen lederhosen, and topped with a homemade knit cap, Professor Chuckles L. Smiley only drew stares from her classes. Rumors...

Exclusive Interview with Marshall Davis

Kyle Seasly October 31, 2012
Once in a lifetime, the Backpage gets an interview with someone more important than Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Joseph Smith, Krishna and Kurt Russell combined. Unfortunately, we did not get the interview with Bayvon Kehroozian we were hoping for. Instead, we got the Joe Biden of ASWC, the elusive nitty gritty Texan, Vice President Marshall Davis.
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