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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Head to Head: Concussions in Athletics

Head to Head: Concussions in Athletics

Daniel Charlton, Sport’s Editor October 20, 2016

A head to head collision triggers familiar signs: the ringing in the ears, the persistent headache, the nonstop feeling of nausea. If you break a bone, an X-ray confirms it. If you tear an ACL, an MRI...

Fall Athletics Heating Up

Fall Athletics Heating Up

Daniel Charlton and Mitchell Smith September 8, 2016

Women's Soccer After spending much of last year’s rebuilding effort at the bottom of the Northwest Conference standings, the 2016 Whitman women’s soccer team will feature one of its most balanced...

Photo courtesy of Whitman women's soccer team.

Women’s Soccer Kicks into Full Gear

Mitchell Smith September 11, 2014
After 22 hours and 45 minutes worth of traveling, the Whitman women’s soccer team arrived in Bristol, England, exhausted but ready for the opportunity of a lifetime. Many things were uncertain:We had precious few subs for the five games we were scheduled to play, we hadn’t played together as a team for months and we were adjusting to having a new coach. However, none of these factors curbed our excitement for the three weeks we were about to spend together.
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